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[11-26-07 – Satellite Today] Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. (SingTel) will provide satellite control services for the ProtoStar 1 satellite as well as lease C-band capacity on the spacecraft, SingTel and ProtoStar Ltd. announced Nov. 26.

“ProtoStar has been working closely with SingTel for some time on joint opportunities, so these agreements now formalize what has been a positive evolving strategic partnership,” Philip Father, president and CEO of ProtoStar, said in a statement. “The decision to locate our new Asian headquarters office in Singapore is consistent with our desire to continue to develop our relationships with both SingTel and the Infocomm Development Authority.”

SingTel will augment its operations center in Singapore to provide telemetry, tracking and control services for ProtoStar 1. The spacecraft, being manufactured by Space Systems/Loral, is scheduled to be launched in May.

“The agreement with ProtoStar is significant because it enables SingTel to extend its existing coverage into new markets,” Titus Yong, SingTel’s vice president for satellite, said. “This further strengthens our position as Asia’s leading communications group. It also clearly demonstrates SingTel’s ability to offer comprehensive managed satellite solutions, and not just bandwidth services.”

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