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[11-16-07 – Satellite Today] The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has allocated Iridium Satellite LLC exclusive access some L-band spectrum for global mobile satellite services, the company announced Nov. 15.
    The FCC order, issued Nov. 9, gives Iridium exclusive use of 2.625 megahertz (MHz) of L-band spectrum which previously had been shared. Under the new ruling, Iridium will have exclusive assignment to 7.775 MHz of spectru, and will continue to share a 0.95 MHz segment.
    "The FCC decision is clearly in the public interest," Matt Desch, chairman and CEO of Iridium, said in a statement. "As the fastest growing MSS provider, the additional spectrum will allow Iridium to continue to offer high-quality service to first responders, emergency workers, national defense and homeland security forces, and other enterprise verticals around the world. The FCC order provides direction globally, so Iridium will begin using the new spectrum immediately around the world."

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