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The WiMax Forum is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization that certifies and promotes the compatibility and interoperability of broadband wireless products based upon the harmonized IEEE 802.16/ETSI Hiperman standard. The Forum shares its view about C-Band spectrum and states its case for more access.

Via Satellite: Why do telcos who wish to deploy WiMax services need to have access to this spectrum that has been reserved for satellite services?

WiMax Forum: Broadband wireless access networks are already rolled out or being rolled out in a number of countries in parts of the band in question. The band 3.4 [to] 4.2 gigahertz has been allocated for many years on a global basis to the fixed satellite service and this will not change at the World Radio Conference in 2007. Existing allocations to mobile and fixed (terrestrial) services are unlikely to be taken away.

Via Satellite: What role is the WiMax forum playing in promoting the interests of telecoms players in the debate regarding spectrum resources?

WiMax Forum: The Regulatory Working Group of the WiMax Forum was set up, inter alia, to ensure the availability and global harmonization of WiMax suitable spectrum worldwide. This includes addressing coexistence issues between WiMax and other services, and its representatives are active in national, regional and global regulatory groups dealing with coexistence between the services. The WiMax Forum is working to promote that adequate frequency coordination procedures are defined and followed to protect both types of service. These are or will be developed by national administrations on a domestic basis, whilst international coordination procedures will be agreed regionally and/or with the [International Telecommunication Union]. It is particularly important to ensure that the national regulators are well informed about coexistence issues and of possible mitigation techniques that may be able to be used to promote coexistence.

Via Satellite: One of the satellite operator’s main arguments to retain C-Band capacity is that it powers much needed services in places like Africa. Why should WiMax and telecoms players be allocated this spectrum versus the satellite operators?

WiMax Forum: The WiMax Forum believes that both services have a role to play in countries where traditional and reliable wired telecommunications services are not in widespread use. The band in question is already allocated to both terrestrial and satellite services on an international basis and it is for national administrations to determine the extent to which all types of service are used with appropriate regulatory procedures in place and adherence to international coordination procedures for coexistence with services in neighboring countries.

Via Satellite: Can satellite and WiMax players reach a compromise on sharing this bandwidth?

WiMax Forum: The WiMax Forum and the Global VSAT Forum are engaged in discussions to ensure that interference issues are addressed and resolved. The WiMax Forum recognizes that in some countries parts of the band in question may not be able to be used for broadband wireless access systems where ubiquitously deployed satellite earth stations use the whole band [from] 3.4 [to] 4.2 gigahertz. In some countries and regions, the coexistence issues have been studied in depth, and the recommendations agreed to give guidance to administrations about how the services can coexist.

Via Satellite: What are the next steps for the WiMax Forum?

WiMax Forum: The WiMax Forum is working in all the global and regional regulatory groups to pursue its aims of identifying spectrum in which to operate broadband wireless access services. The WiMax Forum is working with the Global VSAT Forum and in the ITU groups to ensure that both services can operate with minimal impact on each other’s services. The WiMax Forum and Global VSAT Forum are in agreement about the coexistence issues and are working together to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

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