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To better provide the timeliest news and industry analysis amid the changing demands of the digital workplace, June 25 marks the end of the blue sheet version of Satellite News as our redesigned Web site,, carries forward with improved user-friendliness and interaction with you, our subscribers.

In recent months, the publication has been evolving from the paper-based Satellite News to the Web-based Satellite Today. Thus, the blue sheet will no longer be delivered to you via traditional mail, but instead sent via e-mail notification that updated content has been posted on-site at, where you will have the choice of reading each issue story by story, via an e-mail alert, or simply by printing out articles in their entirety for later perusal.

We hope you enjoy the more immediate, enhanced delivery of Satellite Today.


J.J. McCoy, News Editor: 301-354-1805, [email protected]


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