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A new report, "Deutschland Online 4," from Deutsche Telekom (DT) and German media professors warns that Germany "runs the risk of losing touch with the U.S. and Asian rivals when it comes to innovative developments based on the broadband society." Presented Nov. 29 in Berlin, the report forecasts the number of broadband connections in Germany to reach 21 million in 2010, and 27 million in 2015, projecting that 70 percent of German households will have broadband. The report adds that 2.6 million people will be using triple-play packages by 2010, with the number increasing to 7.5 million in 2015. It also expects IP telephony to be a key part of the triple play bundle, as well as on-demand and HD services. Claiming that Germany is falling behind in terms of overall innovation, the report places Germany seventh in the overall rankings for broadband innovation, behind South Korea, Japan, Singapore, the U.S., Hong Kong and Sweden. It adds that Europe is trailing Asia and the U.S. when it comes to developing an information society, and is unlikely to catch up in the next 10 years.

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