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Cisco has unveiled a module that allows Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.‘s to provide customers satellites services via Cisco routers, the companies announced June 12. Gilat hopes the deal will introduce VSAT services to a wider audience.

The technology combination enables enterprises to deploy a VSAT satellite wireless networking solution that can be used for primary or backup connectivity, multicast data distribution, VoIP and disaster recovery solutions, Gilat said.

"Teaming with Cisco in developing and marketing interoperable networking solutions truly differentiates Gilat in the VSAT market and shows our commitment to provide our customers with an edge beyond the latest technology, via its cooperation with market leaders," Amiriam Levinberg, Gilat’s chairman and CEO, said in a statement. "We believe Cisco’s interest to add satellite communication capability into its enterprise routers is good news for the satellite industry in general as it expands the addressable market for satellite communication technology and services."

The Skyedge hub met the Cisco Technology Developer Program criteria for interoperability with the Cisco VSAT Network Module for the Cisco 2800 and 3800 — series Integrated Services Routers and the Cisco 2600XM, 2691 and 3700 — series access routers. The program sets criteria for interoperability testing and provides enterprise or service provider customers with information regarding Cisco Technology Developer Partner products and services the Cisco Technology Developer Partner believes meet the program’s criteria for interoperability with Cisco networking technology.

"This is a generally available module for all Cisco sales people to sell to their customers," Tal Meirzon, Gilat’s vice president of marketing and business development," told Satellite News. "… We went through a very long process with Cisco to make this happen and almost a year of trying to assimilate this into the Cisco processor. Now Cisco feels comfortable enough to roll it out."

Nearly 1 million of the Cisco routers already are deployed, but in order for customers to receive satellite service via the Cisco router, they need to have a contract with a VSAT service provider, Meirzon said. Gilat subsidiary Spacenet has launched Connexstar CI broadband services designed specifically for the Cisco IP VSAT Satellite WAN Network Module, providing narrowband or broadband services or on-demand services designed for backup or disaster recovery needs. Spacenet will provide services in the United States, while Satlynx will manage the offering in Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa.

The prime target market for the new offering is the business continuity and backup, emergency and disaster recovery arena, Jeff Carl, Spacenet’s director of marketing, said. "You can plug this into your router and use the Cisco interface to set up rules for an automatic failover," he said. "… VSATs have an automatic backup, but that only works if VSAT is your primary network. If something else was your primary system and you wanted to switch to VSAT you had to do it yourself. With the VSAT in the router, it provides instantaneous switchover. We think this will really be a big deal."

Valero Energy Corp., the largest refiner in North America, has chosen Cisco to provide a backup communications system that combines a Cisco integrated services router with the Cisco Internet Protocol (IP) VSAT network module to provide communications in the event of emergency or disaster. Valero has deployed Cisco 3845 Integrated Services Routers to carry voice and data between the company’s San Antonio, Texas, headquarters and its refineries. Valero’s refinery system operates around the clock and has a throughput capacity of about 3.3 million barrels per day, the company said.

"We think this will really light a fire under people looking for VSAT backup networks," Carl said. "Cisco is the 800-pound gorilla of the network world, and they are bringing out a VSAT product. We see not just a great product, but now we have Cisco’s sales force and resellers telling people about the virtues of VSAT for backup. Spacenet could knock on a door for years and not get noticed, but when Cisco walks in, people will talk to us."

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