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It wasn’t too long ago when hybrid networks using satellite and terrestrial technologies were not an option for corporate communication infrastructures. It was either one or the other, but never the two met. Times have changed.

Today, hybrid networks that include a mix of wired and wireless technologies offer robust, competitive and sound network environments for all business applications. The inclusion of satellite into the hybrid mix means corporations have a true global reach. The need to connect literally anytime/anywhere is becoming the norm. Soon, IT network managers and corporate executives will use a mix of Wi-Fi, satellite and terrestrial transmission paths, providing users with a reach that is no longer defined by the limitations of any single communication technology.

Also changing are the destinations for the content. No longer will it be just head offices communicating with remote offices. With hybrid networks offering ubiquity of connectivity, employees can communicate with each other, no matter where they are or what kind of device they are using to communicate – be it a laptop, back-room mainframe, BlackBerry or cell phone. Company communications networks will become virtual highways for streaming media, live programming, data transfers and next-generation
e-commerce applications. And as the corporate world becomes more competitive, instant access to information from anywhere in the world has become an essential part of doing business.

If history is an indicator of what formulas succeed, then those businesses that embrace this advanced communication highway currently under construction will be the ones with the most market share, highest profit margins and advanced corporate infrastructures. Today’s successful companies are the ones that embraced hybrid connectivity early on. Tomorrow’s leaders will be the ones that adopt this diverse-platform of mobile communications networks. Anytime, anywhere is gaining momentum. Those in the know are building business plans to accommodate. Making sure your business is not left behind.

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