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In today’s complex business environment, companies are fusing their communications network infrastructure with their marketing strategies to aggressively stay ahead of the competition. Because of this, executives’ focus has shifted from simply managing a baseline network to delivering rich, interactive media content throughout the corporation and client base. Linear thinking by today’s corporate leader is being replaced with thinking unconventionally when it comes to fully using a robust network, and that is where satellite comes into play.

A strong satellite platform integrated into a terrestrial-based network offers multipoint, simultaneous data transmission that translates into a complete service offering for clients as well as a more robust communication vehicle for employees. For example, satellite connectivity can shave corporate overhead expenses by handling administrative work, such as file transfers, inventory updates and financial transactions during off-peak hours. Not only does this prove to be a cheaper route than conventional dial-up, it is also fully automated and secure, giving more time to employees to do what they were ultimately hired to do, rather than spending the majority of their business day on organizational tasks.

Likewise, on-demand communications via satellite can incorporate interactive streaming video content to the desktop during a simultaneous telecast of corporate information. This strategically gives corporate training a 21st-century edge, making dissemination and consumption of information more efficient. Questions arising during a training seminar can be answered immediately and employees can spend less time in the classroom and more time quickly applying what they have learned to their jobs.

And the benefits only increase when solutions via a satellite-supported network are offered to customers. Today’s clients are still looking for turnkey offerings from one supplier. With a satellite network, a diversified suite of transmissions is possible, from “front of house” advertising and services to “back of house” file transfers and support. Above all, customers want to contract services that provide complete solutions for their tasks, but give them a platform that is adaptable to unconventional business growth needs, and you may have a customer for life.

Nick Mitsis

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