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For those of you thinking your current communications network is operating at its optimal state, think again. As the corporate environment becomes more competitive and the current economic malaise begins to diminish, new company strategies for increasing market share will be vital for any corporation wishing to stay in business. Now ask any successful executive and they will say you can forget diversifying your market and increasing your profits if you are only running a conventional communications network.

But in order to achieve this higher level of success, you first must embrace network enhancements as a corporate utility, benefiting your entire business and not just a few departments. Whether you want to add space-based services to an existing terrestrial network or shift entirely over to a satellite-enabled communications infrastructure, your customers will feel better supported and you will see a positive impact to your revenue stream.

Satellite technology offers enterprise users the ability to multicast, manage data and business transactions securely and in real-time, move content in a seamless fashion toward IP channels, give the option of digital interactivity with clients and satisfy 21st century business needs with 21st century innovation.

But do not take my word for it. Please join us and discover how companies like yours are using satellite-enabled communication solutions to strategically propel business initiatives ahead of competitors and deliver sizable ROIs.

On June 10, 2004 in Washington, DC, Satellite Business Solutions magazine will present an evening forum highlighting satellite strategies for business success. For more information, please check out p. 23.

This complimentary event will bring together satellite service providers, CFOs, CEOs, CTOs, network managers and corporate training executives from diverse vertical markets for an evening of networking, education and Q&A. You will walk away with success stories and key tools for implementing solid, turnkey satellite solutions for your organization as shared by your peers who have made satellite a profitable corporate utility.

As always, if your organization has a satellite success story within its business strategy, I want to hear about it. Please contact me at [email protected] or call me direct at 301-354-1772. I am always looking for successful case studies and business contacts to showcase within our magazine pages.

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