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As 2003 comes to a close, many corporate executives are crunching the numbers to make not only their fourth quarter results materialize in the black, if calendar and fiscal years mirror each other, but also are setting forth bullish budgets and business plans for 2004. Nothing can be worse than realizing you did not take advantage of a cost-savings solution that could have yielded more profits. We all strive to produce a highly-competitive, economically-efficient business that brings in more than it puts out. Naturally, it is not an easy task to decide in which direction to grow your business, what changes you need to make to remain financially sound and how successful those decisions will ultimately turn out to be for your bottom line.

One successful choice made by many enterprise clients in regard to trimming cost, enhancing networks and gaining a healthy ROI has been the inclusion of satellite technology within their overall company’s infrastructure. As one executive puts it, “A satellite services infrastructure must be viewed as a corporate utility, not just a technology addition.”

But senior management executives within many enterprises need to be further convinced that a satellite solution can, indeed, deliver a secure, reliable and economical solution for corporate network infrastructures. Take this cost comparison, for example: A company with more than 1,000 locations using a satellite-based network, particularly a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) system can save 300 percent in expenses when using satellite instead of a frame relay service. That is a sizable savings that, at the end of the fiscal period, can be moved to the bottom line.

So take a break from crunching numbers and forging ahead with 2004 business plans. Read on and see how the information in these articles can help you gain further insight into where many of the most economical benefits satellite technology services have to offer can be found.

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