
Septentrio Receiver Authenticates Galileo’s First End-to-End Encrypted signals
Septentrio, a company based in Belgium that designs GPS/GNSS positioning technology, announced that its receiver has successfully authenticated navigation data of the first OSNMA-encrypted GNSS satellite signal. OSNMA — Open Service Navigation Message Authentication— is being pioneered by Europe’s Galileo program and offers end-to-end authentication on a civilian signal, protecting receivers from spoofing. Septentrio, which...
Septentrio Receiver Authenticates Galileo’s First End-to-End Encrypted signals
SpiderOak Wins US Air Force SBIR Contract for OrbitSecure
Privacy technology company SpiderOak has won a U.S. Air Force small business contract to adapt its OrbitSecure protocol to military use. OrbitSecure is an Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) collection security system that can manage spacecraft and payloads when multiple parties are involved.  SpiderOak said in a March 4 announcement that the Small Business Innovation...
SpiderOak Wins US Air Force SBIR Contract for OrbitSecure
Securing Satellite Connectivity From the Ground Up
As the satellite industry aims to serve every connectivity need from global 5G networks to mission critical communications, the ever-present threat of a cyber attack is an integral consideration of engineering design both in space and on the ground.  The growth of the satellite industry is requiring increasingly more bandwidth and capacity to operate new...
Securing Satellite Connectivity From the Ground Up
Pentagon Acquisition CISO Previews Upcoming Trusted Capital Program
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is serious about its partnership with the satellite industry, investing in the industry, and attracting the best in commercial satellite technology, Katie Arrington, chief information security officer for Acquisition and Sustainment, said Tuesday during a keynote of Via Satellite’s MilSatCom Digital Week. Arrington teased a major announcement in the...
Pentagon Acquisition CISO Previews Upcoming Trusted Capital Program
Viasat Small Tactical Terminal Achieves NSA Link 16 Crypto Modernization Certification
Viasat has integrated Link 16 cryptographic modernization capability into its KOR-24A Small Tactical Terminal (STT), the company announced Thursday. The terminal has been National Security Agency (NSA) certified for Link 16 crypto modernization. This modernization was done because of a U.S. government mandate and Viasat said it will give warfighters assured access to information when...
Viasat Small Tactical Terminal Achieves NSA Link 16 Crypto Modernization Certification
Cybersecurity Influencers React to Space Policy Directive 5
September 2020 could be looked at as a pivotal month in regards to the relationship between the U.S. government and cybersecurity in space. In September, the National Space Council (NSC) issued Space Policy Directive-5 (SPD-5), which aims to foster best practices within the U.S. government and commercial space operations that protect space assets and their...
Cybersecurity Influencers React to Space Policy Directive 5
CyberSatGov Brings Satellite Industry Together to Mitigate Cyber Threats
  One of the world’s most important and thought provoking satellite events returns in October, Next week CyberSatGov, a satellite event that examines the relationship between the satellite and cybersecurity industries, returns. The event first launched in 2017, and between 2017 and 2019, its audience almost doubled. The event has attracted world-class speakers such as:...
CyberSatGov Brings Satellite Industry Together to Mitigate Cyber Threats
BridgeComm's Optical Communication Array Tech Validated by Third Party
BridgeComm, a provider of Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) solutions and services, revealed Tuesday that its Managed Optical Communication Array (MOCA) hardware and software was validated by a partnership with an independent third party. MOCA technology allows for multi-domain capabilities to share large volumes of data and collaborate significantly faster with increased security. BridgeComm’s MOCA technology...
BridgeComm's Optical Communication Array Tech Validated by Third Party
Satellite Cyber Influencers Discuss Evolving Landscape
CyberSatGov this year will further explore the relationship between the US government and the commercial satellite industry. Here, we talk to a number of key players in the satellite industry about what is next and how the threat landscape is changing as we head into this new decade. With issues surrounding the supply chain of...
Satellite Cyber Influencers Discuss Evolving Landscape