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Radarsat 1
The recent MDA and SpaceX announcement will build on Radarsat 1’s platform.
Image credit: MDA

[Satellite TODAY 07-31-13] SpaceX has been awarded a launch reservation contract with MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA) to support the largest space program to date in Canada. The company will launch the three satellites that will make up the Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM) on a Falcon 9 rocket in 2018.

RCM is a three-satellite configuration and will support Canada’s need for maritime surveillance, disaster management and ecosystem monitoring. The mission will build on the successes of Radarsat 1 and Radarsat 2.

SpaceX will conduct its first mission for MDA this year, launching the Cassiope satellite on a Falcon 9.

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