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Telairity announced that Bahrain-based satellite service provider Noorsat has deployed multiple Telairity BE8200 and BE8740 multi-channel High Definition (HD) encoders to meet their rapidly growing demand for HD channels.
Over the past years, as demand shifted from Standard Definition (SD) to HD channels, Noorsat reconfigured Telairity’s BE9400 multichannel SD systems into BE8200 HD multichannel systems at no cost. When HD demand exceeded the supply of converted SD units, Telairity’s NexGen BE8740 1RU four-channel HD/SD encoders supplemented the existing systems.
According to Telairity, the new BE8740 units are more than twice as space-efficient compared to the previous BE8200 systems, and on a per-channel basis, consume only 25 percent as much power and cost significantly less. Flexible auto-switching by source input also provides HD/SD channel combinations. In addition to the BE8740 four-channel configuration Noorsat purchased, the BE8700 NexGen distribution encoder can be configured as a single-channel BE8710, a dual-channel BE8720, or a three-channel BE8730.
According to Telairity, the ability of the new BE8740 systems to encode both HD and SD formats, and to multiplex outputs over both Asynchronous Serial Interface (ASI) and Internet Protocol (IP), allows broadcasters to adapt these units for future customer requirements.
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