Author: Raul Magallanes

Privacy Issues for U.S. Companies Expanding to Europe
The European Data Protection Directive (Directive) prohibits transfers of personal data to non-European Union (EU) nations. While the EU and the United States share the same goal of enhancing privacy...
FCC License Assignment Options
Following last month’s discussion on spectrum leasing, this month’s topic focuses on license assignment options. The spectrum lease license holder keeps title to the license, but allows others to use...
FCC Spectrum Leasing
There are financial ramifications for buying a larger house than needed; such as proportionally larger maintenance, tax and insurance bills. However, one way to lessen the financial sting is to...
FCC Dispute Resolution
We all would like to believe that customers will be delighted with our telecommunications services and that there will never be disagreements between telecommunications partners. But in reality, there will...
C-Band Small Aperture Terminals (CSAT)
We all are familiar with the VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) network, which encompasses a hub and multiple, identical remote stations. VSAT licenses in Ku-band have been used for a...
Mobile Satellite Service and 911 Calls
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) carriers that provide interconnected, two-way voice services must be fully equipped to handle 911 emergency calls. This means that providers must establish call centers to receive...
Wiretapping and Telecom
Government eavesdropping on private communications is as old as government itself. Telecommunications providers are but an instrument for government wiretapping. As blunt as this may sound and regardless of whether...