IPTV Americas (IPTVA), a satellite-based IPTV solutions provider, is searching for outside investments as it looks to go to the next level of its growth strategy, CEO Alvaro Gazzolo told...
[Satellite News 04-10-09] Russia’s Gazprom Space Systems could need to lease capacity from other operators while it waits for the launch of a slew of new satellites, according to a...
[Satellite News 04-10-09] SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, in a speech to an executive luncheon at Satellite 2009, said he expects to sign deals in the commercial arena for its Falcon...
[Satellite News 04-09-09] DirecTV already has seen better than expected take-up of its video-on-demand (VOD) services launched in spring 2008, DirecTV CTO Rômulo Pontual told Satellite News. “We are seeing...
[Satellite News 04-07-09] Inmarsat’s acquisition of a 19 percent stake in SkyWave Mobile Communications was a “small investment” for the company in its efforts to expand Inmarsat’s presence in the...
2009 started with quite a bang. First, the dramatic freefall of economies around the globe and then the collision of a pair of satellites in orbit. However, amid the doom...
The combination of increased demand for video, data and Internet services on a large land mass with many rural communities means satellite could be at the forefront of the new...
With a backdrop of a new U.S. presidential administration, the beginning of a shift in troop strength from Iraq to Afghanistan and a global economic recession, 2009 likely will be...
[Satellite News 03-26-09] Federal funding for broadband roll-outs as a threat to the satellite industry, high-definition in 3D and the impact of the economic recession were just a few of...
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk told a luncheon at SATELLITE 2009 that the company expects to sign deals in the commercial arena for its Falcon 9 launch vehicle this year. The...