by Mark Holmes The momentum behind 3-D TV has picked up in recent months, with many channel launches set for this year. BSkyB, ESPN, DirecTV and Discovery Communications, among others,...
by Mark Holmes New Eutelsat CEO Michel de Rosen made a strong impression on the ‘The Big Four: Agenda for the Coming Decade’ opening panel at SATELLITE 2010, joining fellow...
by Mark Holmes Launch service providers said there are plenty of launch services in the market, despite FSS operator concerns about the lack of competition in this arena expressed in...
by Mark Holmes Concerns over the U.S. government’s broadband policy was one of the key talking points of the “Financial State of the Industry – Market Trends and Observations” panel...
By Mark Holmes Despite a difficult 2009, 
the satellite industry appeared to fairly resilient. The Satellite 2010 Show Daily spoke to Andrea Maleter, technical director, Futron; Maury Mechanick, counsel with...
By Mark Holmes The demand for satellite -based communications and broadcast services in emerging regions such as Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia appears very strong, particularly as...
[Satellite News 03-15-10] Talia has been preparing for the launch of its VSAT, consumer-focused Internet and telephone communications service for nearly 12 months, and the time now is right to...
[Satellite News 03-12-10] Globalstar has had some difficulties due to problems with the first generation of its mobile satellite services (MSS) satellites, but the operator is preparing for a new...
[Satellite News 03-12-10] Slovak Telecom is the latest telco to use of satellite technology to bring pay-TV services to its customer base, launching a pay-TV service, Magio, via satellite in...
[Satellite News 03-10-10] Col. William Harding, vice commander, Military Satellite Communications System Wing, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, directs acquisition planning, programming, budgeting and operational...