Author: Jason Bates

Faith in Mobile TV Looks Justified
I’m generally cynical when it comes to hearing about the promise of new satellite services and how a market is set to become hot at any second. It probably comes...
Mary Cotton, CEO, VT iDirect Inc.
Mary Cotton cannot be accused of thinking small, which makes her the perfect fit to head VT iDirect Inc. Cotton joined iDirect as CEO in September 2007 bringing more than...
Impact of Launch Failures Felt Far And Wide
When a Proton Breeze M rocket suffered a second launch failure in six months, it provided yet another reminder of how difficult placing a satellite in orbit can be and...
Satellite Players, NAB Have Reasons To Join Forces
With SATELLITE 2008 behind us, many satellite companies turn their attention to the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) show. But the move from Washington, D.C. to Las Vegas does not...