Author: Georgia Jordan

Ka-band in Latin America – Beyond HTS
Last year we spoke of the promise – and difficulties – of Ka-band in Latin America. Now, we see the technology start to become a reality, with the region’s first Ka-band payload now in operation. The nine spot beams on Hispamar’s Amazonas 3, directed at Latin America’s largest cities, were a special order from Media...
Ka-band in Latin America – Beyond HTS
Banda Ka en América Latina: Más Allá de los Satélites de Alto Rendimiento (HTS)
El año pasado hablamos de la promesa y las dificultades de la banda Ka en América Latina. Ahora, vemos que la tecnología comienza a convertirse en realidad, con la primera carga útil de banda Ka que ya está en funcionamiento. Los nueve haces puntuales del Amazonas 3, de Hispamar, dirigidos a las ciudades más grandes...
Banda Ka en América Latina: Más Allá de los Satélites de Alto Rendimiento (HTS)
OTTs no Threat to Operators in Latin America — Yet
While operators lose subscribers in the United States, telcos in Latin America have taken advantage of the delay in Over-The-Top (OTT) services launching locally to embrace the over-the-top business model as their own. The rise of over-the-top content services such as Netflix has been hailed around the world as a threat to the traditional intermediary...
OTTs no Threat to Operators in Latin America — Yet
Satellite Broadband: Finally a Reality for LatAm?
With economic crisis in the saturated European and North American markets, satellite operators are now turning to emerging markets with limited infrastructure and growing demand for communications services for new growth opportunities. Latin America is an obvious choice with its booming economy and growing middle class, lead by Brazil, which represents 50 percent of the...
Satellite Broadband: Finally a Reality for LatAm?
Banda ancha satelital: ¿Finalmente una realidad para LatAm?
Con la crisis económica de los mercados saturados de Europa y Norteamérica, los operadores satelitales están interesándose en los mercados emergentes con infraestructura limitada y demanda creciente de servicios de comunicaciones para nuevas oportunidades de crecimiento. Latinoamérica es una opción obvia por el auge de su economía y creciente clase media, liderada por Brasil, que...
Banda ancha satelital: ¿Finalmente una realidad para LatAm?
Banda larga satelital: Finalmente uma realidade para América Latina?
Com a crise econômica dos mercados saturados da Europa e da América do Norte, as provedoras satelitais estão interessadas nos mercados emergentes com infraestrutura limitada e demanda crescente por serviços de comunicações para aproveitarem as novas oportunidades de crescimento. A América Latina é uma opção óbvia por exibir uma economia vibrante e uma crescente classe...
Banda larga satelital: Finalmente uma realidade para América Latina?