Author: Caleb Henry

SpeedCast CEO Describes HTS Opportunities
[Via Satellite 02-23-2015] SpeedCast, a Hong Kong-based global satellite communications provider with a large presence in the Asia-Pacific is evaluating ways to leverage capacity from new High Throughput Satellite (HTS)...
Pierre-Jean Beylier SpeedCast
Gilat Brings in $235 Million in 2014 Revenue
[Via Satellite 02-20-2015] Gilat Satellite Networks reported $235.1 million in revenue for 2014, almost exactly where revenues stood in 2013, at $234.9 million. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization...
Gilat Teleport
Signalhorn Brings Xtend to New Verticals in Retail
[Via Satellite 02-20-2015] Signalhorn has increased the availability of Xtend, a fully managed, high-speed business-grade service solution used to connect corporate networks to global business locations, to retail chains such...
Cashier Retail Xtend