Author: Adrienne Harebottle

Bandwidth Pricing: How Low Can it Go?
“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life” … for satellite. Over the last five or so years, there has been a downward trend of satellite...
UAE Space Agency Calls its Ambition 'Limitless'
The United Arab Emirates took an accelerated approach to enter the satellite and space industry and position itself as a contender. The Gulf nation launched its first mobile telecommunications satellite,...
The New, Holistic View of Space
Double-digit growth is a big deal, especially when it comes after several years of decline. But in the case of orders for large commercial satellites, the double-digit growth recorded in...
Heading into the LEO Revolution
Despite the likely demise of LeoSat, the Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) market is still poised to continue on unabated, with ambitious plays still underway. But who is launching what, and when?...
Space 2.0: Taking AI Far Out
Artificial Intelligence (AI) on ground and on orbit may forge a new era of information, with only the most relevant data increasingly brought forward. Albert Einstein’s presumed words were: “Only...
Say Hello to the Post-GEO World? Not so Fast
Year 2017 wasn’t so big on large commercial satellites, with a surprisingly small number of Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) orders placed over the 12-month period. GEO orders the following year...
ALE Brings NewSpace Closer to People
In 2001, the night sky was lit up by an extraordinary meteor shower. The Leonid meteors were so prolific that this shower became the most active in more than three...
Photo: ALE