
Andrews Space 6U Solar Panels Complete Space Qualification
[Via Satellite 04-01-2014] Andrews Space has successfully completed space qualification of its new 6U solar panel, which will extend the qualified power systems products for small satellite applications beyond batteries and satellite power management to now include solar panels. These solar panels, which provide a power generation solution for 6U CubeSat form factors, can be...
Andrews Space 6U Solar Panels Complete Space Qualification
Broadcom Announces New Multi-Core Processor for NVF and SDC Deployment
[Via Satellite 04-01-2014] Broadcom Corporation will be expanding its XLP2 multi-core communications processors family with the XLP500 series, which delivers up to four times the per-core performance of competing processors. The XLP500 series features 32 NXCPUs and 80 Gbps performance, and provides the processing performance and agility needed to simplify Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and...
Broadcom Announces New Multi-Core Processor for NVF and SDC Deployment
Saft Pulling Advances From Other Fields to Accelerate Space Battery Development
[Via Satellite 03-31-2014] Battery technology company Saft is looking to discoveries across multiple industries in order to improve the relatively slow pace of development for space-specific batteries. For satellites, batteries take seven to 10 years of testing before ever being used. This lengthy test time can stifle creativity, which is why Saft has developed a...
Saft Pulling Advances From Other Fields to Accelerate Space Battery Development
Boeing, Airbus Working to Offset the Cons of All-Electric Propulsion
[Via Satellite 03-28-2014] Electric propulsion is by no means new to the satellite industry, but the last few years have seen a surge in interest as customers begin to consider and purchase all-electric satellites instead of just hybrid. Previously used only for station keeping so gravity and atmospheric drag don’t deorbit satellites prematurely, satellite operators...
Boeing, Airbus Working to Offset the Cons of All-Electric Propulsion
Preventing Adjacent Satellite Interference
Satellite interference is a problem the entire industry must address. Over the years, much discussion has focused on how to identify the sources of costly RF interference so the problem can be eliminated as
Preventing Adjacent Satellite Interference
CloudEO Starts 'Virtual Constellation' Access with Beta Online Marketplace
[Via Satellite 03-26-2014] CloudEO has released the beta version of its online marketplace for Earth observation-based products. By supplying data on a pay-per-use or subscription basis, the company is working to bring together imagery providers, analytics companies and customers through one platform. As part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) business incubation center, CloudEO anticipates...
CloudEO Starts 'Virtual Constellation' Access with Beta Online Marketplace
Lockheed Martin Opens Advanced Materials and Thermal Sciences Center in California
[Via Satellite 03-26-2014] The Lockheed Martin Space Systems Advanced Technology Center (ATC) has opened a new laboratory building to host research and development in emerging technology areas including 3-D printing, energetics, thermal sciences, nanotechnology, synthesis, high temperature materials and advanced devices. The Advanced Materials and Thermal Sciences Center will house 130 engineers, scientists and staff...
Lockheed Martin Opens Advanced Materials and Thermal Sciences Center in California
GeoMetWatch, Exelis to Develop Geostationary Hyperspectral Sounder
[Via Satellite 03-26-2014] GeoMetWatch (GMW) and Exelis have agreed to design a geostationary hyperspectral sounder. Under the agreement, Exelis will manufacture sensors based on the design of the Exelis advanced baseline imager that will be hosted by GMW partner organizations through a GMW license granted by the United States Department of Commerce to deploy a...
GeoMetWatch, Exelis to Develop Geostationary Hyperspectral Sounder
Boeing on Schedule for Delivery of All-Electric Satellites
[Via Satellite 03-25-2014] Boeing has recently met key production milestones on its initial 702 Small Platform (SP) all-electric propulsion satellites, and is scheduled to deliver the satellites in late 2014 or early 2015. With the completion of the static qualification testing, verification and assembly of the primary structures for the 702SP inaugural customers ABS and...
Boeing on Schedule for Delivery of All-Electric Satellites
Skybox, SSL Pioneering Green Fuel with ECAPS Propellant System
[Via Satellite 03-21-2014] Skybox Imaging’s decision to use Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) subsidiary ECAPS’ High Performance Green Propellant (HPGP) system on its new satellite fleet marks the first large-scale use of the environmentally friendly HPGP system. HPGP uses Ammonium DiNitrimide (ADN) instead of the corrosive and highly toxic hydrazine. “The full lifecycle cost of the...
Skybox, SSL Pioneering Green Fuel with ECAPS Propellant System