
Amazon and Think Tanks Launch Group Advocating for Power Flux Density Changes
Amazon and a number of think tanks have launched a new advocacy group called the Alliance for Satellite Broadband to push for an update to the rules around satellite power limits at the upcoming World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23).  Amazon along with fellow members — International Center for Law & Economics, the Open Technology Institute at...
Amazon and Think Tanks Launch Group Advocating for Power Flux Density Changes
VITES Taps EnSilica for Terminal Upgrades
EnSilica is to partner with VITES to supply its new beam-former chip for satellite user terminals. The two companies announced the collaboration on Oct. 30. VITES will use the chip at the heart of its new ViSAT-Ka-band terminal. EnSilica’s beam-forming chip is optimized to enable VITES’s creation of power- and cost-efficient ground-based flat panel user...
VITES Taps EnSilica for Terminal Upgrades
How a Satellite-Equipped Motorola Device Enabled a Colorado Trail Rescue 
A Colorado hiker in distress was recently rescued, in part due to satellite technology and the partnership of Skylo, Motorola, and Bullitt Group.  A group of friends were recently hiking in Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado, when one hiker began showing signs of altitude sickness and having trouble breathing, too ill to go back down...
How a Satellite-Equipped Motorola Device Enabled a Colorado Trail Rescue 
ReQuTech and Scanfil Ramp Up Production of RESA Satellite Terminals
ReQuTech has chosen Scanfil as its manufacturing partner for its RESA satellite terminals. The companies announced this week they are ramping up production of the RESA Ku- and Ka-band terminals during the fourth quarter of this year and early 2024.  RESA, which stands for the ReQuTech Electronically Scanned Antenna, is a satcom terminal for multi-orbit...
ReQuTech and Scanfil Ramp Up Production of RESA Satellite Terminals
Lockheed Martin Selects Tesat Optical Terminals for SDA Tranche 1 Transport Satellites
Lockheed Martin selected Tesat’s optical communications terminals for its Space Development Agency (SDA) Tranche 1 Transport Layer satellites, Tesat announced Oct. 26.  Tesat also announced it completed ground interoperability tests for the SDA program. As part of the test, Tesat optical communications terminals demonstrated consistent data communication links with a reference modem and an optical...
Lockheed Martin Selects Tesat Optical Terminals for SDA Tranche 1 Transport Satellites
Mayo Clinic Looks to Use Teleheath Solution With Kymeta Antenna
The Mayo Clinic is exploring using a hybrid LTE and satcom telehealth technology in ambulances. Telehealth network integrator Optac-X announced this week that it has a “know how agreement” with the Mayo Clinic for the use of this telehealth technology, which uses a Kymeta antenna.  Kymeta is an LTE and satcom partner for Optac-X and...
Mayo Clinic Looks to Use Teleheath Solution With Kymeta Antenna
Aalyria and HICO Plan to Deploy Laser Communications on Commercial Ships 
Aalyria Technologies has a new MoU with HICO Investment Group with a plan to deploy up to 200 of its optical communications platforms on commercial ships worldwide. HICO Investment Group invests in innovative technologies in the maritime and logistics sectors. It was founded by Tim Hartnoll, the executive chairman of X-Press Feeders, a large container shipping...
Aalyria and HICO Plan to Deploy Laser Communications on Commercial Ships 
Redwire to Supply Onboard Computer for ESA Comet Interceptor Mission
Redwire will provide the onboard computer for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Comet Interceptor mission, which will be the first spacecraft to visit a long-period, dynamically new comet or interstellar object. OHB Italy is the prime contractor on the mission, and awarded Redwire’s Belgian subsidiary, Redwire Space NV, the contract.  The onboard computer, or the...
Space Economy
Redwire to Supply Onboard Computer for ESA Comet Interceptor Mission
Imagining the Future of Quantum Computing for Space
The year is 2075. Picture vast fleets of spacecraft, equipped with hyper-sensitive quantum accelerometers, gyroscopes, and clocks, navigating the solar system with unmatched precision. Swarms of tiny cubesats, outfitted with miniaturized quantum sensors, working in unison to image exoplanets, map asteroids, and detect elusive dark matter. Space telescopes harnessing quantum optics to peer back to...
Imagining the Future of Quantum Computing for Space
ST Engineering iDirect CEO Don Claussen: Solving the Identity Question
In January this year, Don Claussen was appointed the new CEO of ST Engineering iDirect at a pivotal moment in the company’s history as it looks to capitalize on demands for ground segment technology as we enter this new, multi-orbit era. The company is one of the giants in this area. Its acquisition of leading European satellite ground...
ST Engineering iDirect CEO Don Claussen: Solving the Identity Question