
World View Launches First Stratollite Balloon
World View, which plans to offer services such as Earth Observation (EO) from the stratosphere using high altitude balloons, has successfully completed its first Stratollite launch from its Tuscon, Arizona...
World View conducts a balloon fill test at Spaceport Tuscon. Photo: World View.
Spacepath Acquires Tango Wave Amplifier Portfolio
Satcom amplifier manufacturer SpacePath Communications has acquired the satellite amplifier portfolio of Tango Wave. Tango Wave offers uplink amplifiers and sub-systems with small, lightweight, high efficiency designs. Per the acquisition,...
Tango Wave headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. Photo: Tango Wave.
Ursa Now Monitors Oil Inventory in MENA
Ursa Space Systems has announced the release of its Middle East/North Africa (MENA) Oil Storage Report. Following China and the Caribbean, MENA is the third region in Ursa’s expansion to global...
Khurais oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia. Photo: Planet.
Sitael, Inovor Partner to Tackle Nanosatellite Market
South Australian startup Inovor Technologies has signed a letter of intent with Sitael to jointly establish a multi-million dollar company in South Australia to design and manufacture nanosatellites, microsatellites, minisatellites...
SpaceX’s Megaconstellation Hits Regulatory Hurdles
Regulators at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are concerned that SpaceX’s proposed broadband megaconstellation could lead to interference with competing systems. The constellation, dubbed “StarLink” according to trademark filings,...
SpaceX founder, CTO and CEO Elon Musk. Photo: Flickr, OnnInovation.