
Emily Calandrelli Demystifies Space for Netflix and Tik Tok
When it comes to science influencers, Emily Calandrelli is a household name for a new generation of space enthusiasts. If you have kids, you may know her from “Emily’s Wonder Lab” on Netflix, which brought DIY science experiments into viewers’ homes during the pandemic lockdown. She’s also the long-running host of “Xploration Outer Space,” and...
The Future Legacy of Alabama’s ‘Rocket City’
Before it became known as “Rocket City,” Huntsville, Alabama was more of a one stop-sign town. Things changed after World War II, when the U.S. Army recruited German scientists and other leaders to move to the area and develop rocket technology. Over the next 60 years, Huntsville would grow into the state’s second-largest city, and...
Quebec’s Space Economy Jumps to Lightspeed
By investing in cities, the commercial space industry can work wonders for local economies by creating new jobs, attracting new talent, and establishing long-term, future-facing tech hubs. That’s exactly what Canadian satellite operator Telesat plans to do for the province of Quebec.  This past February, the government of Québec agreed to invest 400 million Canadian...
(Space) Graphic Design is My Passion
Our latest episode of the On Orbit podcast is all about design. Not spacecraft design, or satellite engineering, but graphic design in the space industry. Visual and graphic design elements play an important, yet often overlooked role in our community’s ability to communicate. For an industry that basically lives at the cutting edge, the look...
Eric Berger, Elon Musk, and the Stars of SpaceX’s Origin Story
Eric Berger, a soft-spoken Ars Technica journalist, meteorologist, and lover of all things space-related, has spent a lot of time with Elon Musk during the past few years. While watching the billionaire SpaceX founder closely as he sat in on board meetings and gathering with his family on flights to Texas, Berger discovered the formula...
Farmer Charlie’s Space-Powered Smart Agritech Platform
Betty Bonnardel and I share a unique connection to the Alps. In 2015, I traveled to Northern Italy’s Dolomites to research my family history. Before coming to the United States, my ancestors tended small apple orchards and vineyards carved into the side of steep mountains. At the same time I was conducting this research, Betty...
Pack Your Bags! We’re Going on a Space Vacation!
Space vacations are a real thing! If you want to see the Earth from a brand new perspective, and experience weightlessness like a real astronaut, and you have a few million dollars to spare, you can sign up right now. Space Adventures will take you to Low-Earth Orbit and beyond on a SpaceX Falcon 9....
Thursday Morning Conversation with Mauricio Segovia, CEO of AXESS Networks
For our Thursday Morning Conversation this week, we talk to Mauricio Segovia, CEO of AXESS Networks. “Lupin,” “The Mandalorian,” “Harry Styles,” and the Reggaeton song “Mi Gente” all get a mention in this week’s discussion. We also talk a little bit about the future of the company after one of the major consolidations in recent...
How In-Space’s Doug Liddle Bounced Back from a Launch Failure
Satellite builders form a unique bond with their spacecraft. In-Space CEO Doug Liddle described his start-up’s first satellite, Faraday-1, as a “precious child” that he raised for 18 months before turning it over to the launch gods. This past July, the gods proved to be especially cruel to Liddle and the In-Space team, as the...