
Kerbal Space Program's Aerospace of Play
Kerbal Space Program (or KSP as it’s more commonly known by fans) is a tremendously successful space flight simulator. It has been hailed by game industry critics and space industry leaders such as ULA’s Tory Bruno and SpaceX’s Elon Musk as providing the “perfect blend of science and slapstick,” as well as for its ability...
Changing Lives with Affordable Internet Access
Identifying affordable options to connect to the internet remains a challenge for billions across the globe. In urban areas, internet connectivity is usually provided by a high-speed cable or fiber direct to each home or business. However, a single-user-per-terminal model is not economically justifiable in areas unserved or underserved by terrestrial access. This is due...
WTF is WRC (and Why Should I Care?)
Bandwidth is by no means an unlimited resource. Your family’s smartphones, your in-home WiFi, and the dozens of Bluetooth devices in your automobile all take bites of different slices of the larger bandwidth pie. The rollout of 5G wireless is like someone walking up to that pie and shoveling a big scoop out of the...
Connecting Rural and Hard-to-Reach Places
According to the ITU’s The State of Broadband 2019 report released in late September, the world achieved greater than 50% global broadband Internet penetration in 2019 — a major milestone. However, significant challenges remain, and a significant portion of the population remains disconnected from even the most basic form of internet connectivity.    We’ve been exploring...
The Top 12 Space and Satellite News Stories of 2019
As a holiday gift, we’re bringing our last On Orbit episode of the year a day early! Via Satellite Editor-in-Chief Mark Holmes and Managing Editor Annamarie Nyirady join us to discuss the biggest space and satellite news stories of 2019. It definitely wasn’t a boring year! Constellations, C-band drama, 5G, 3D printing, and mergers and...
Microsoft, Dell CTOs on the Digital Innovation Frontier
Microsoft Azure wants to craft its own space business vertical. But instead of building their own satellites, they’ve opted to build the business through partnerships. William Chappell, CTO of Microsoft Azure Global, is the innovation leader behind the software giant’s efforts to provide satellite operators with a powerful, automated, and secure cloud layer to their...
Satellite Cybersecurity Horror Stories With Ken Munro
If you think your maritime satellite terminal is safe from hackers, give Ken Munro a call to make sure. He’s probably already found a backdoor to your system on the internet.  Ken is the founder of Pen Test Partners, a network security consultancy firm, as well as a widely respected and very entertaining public speaker...
Building Smallsats Like Cars: NanoAvionics Comes to the USA
NanoAvionics CEO Vytenis Buzas defines his small satellite-building business as an homage to the smart industrial practices of the American automobile industry. What emerged as a spinoff of Lithuania’s Vilnius University, NanoAvionics is now thriving and Buzas sees an opportunity to achieve success in the land that inspired his business. He hired industry veteran Frank...
A Commercial Satellite History Lesson With Scott Chase
With the unveiling of the SATELLITE 2020 Conference Program this week, we have a very well-timed episode of On Orbit featuring an interview with Scott Chase, Chairman Emeritus of SATELLITE and former Editor-in-Chief of Via Satellite, detailing the evolution of the commercial satellite industry through the late 20th and early 21st century. Scott tells On...
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on Satellite-Powered Precision Farming
How important are precision agriculture and global food and water supply monitoring applications to our future? Via Satellite’s On Orbit podcast takes a look at the numbers: The world’s population will go from 7.5 billion to 9 billion people in 30 years. Because of this, American farmers alone will be tasked to increase food production...