
Radio Frequency is the Next Competitive Edge for Commercial Satellites
What do soil moisture, Russian yachts, hurricanes, and GNSS jamming all have in common? These are all detected and monitored from space using a little-understood category called radio frequency (RF). Thanks to a booming space sector and the regular use of satellite images in the news, satellite data has entered the public consciousness. But it...
Radio Frequency is the Next Competitive Edge for Commercial Satellites
What Happens Next in the Smallsat Revolution?
An estimated 18,500 smallsats will launch between 2022 to 2031, yet the smallsat market presents a growing number of challenges such as limited market addressability, difficult profitability, oversupply, and concentration of the commercial market by a handful of established players. In Euroconsult’s eighth edition of the report, Prospects for the Small Satellite Market, the firm anticipates...
What Happens Next in the Smallsat Revolution?
Unpacking the African Landscape for Satellite Services
It’s a paradox: the satellite industry is booming, yet the latest International Telecommunication Union fact and figures report indicates that only 13% of the Africa population are connected. Strong satellite broadband supply and massive demand in Africa should be a recipe for business success and rapid deployment across the continent. However, the reality is not...
Unpacking the African Landscape for Satellite Services
The Future of Military Satellites Lies in Modularity
The Ukrainian crisis has shed light on the criticality of space assets for military operations, with the hacking of Viasat’s KA-SAT numbing the ability of the Ukrainian armed forces in the early hours of the conflict. This episode illustrates how satellites transitioned from being supporting capabilities for ground operations to strategic warfare assets of their...
The Future of Military Satellites Lies in Modularity
How Better Chips Could Lead to More Successful Space Businesses
Buying a new battery for your car will set you back around $100. If you need to buy one for a small airplane, you’re easily looking at $500 for the same sort of battery. Why? If a plane falls from the sky the impact is much bigger than when a car breaks down by the...
How Better Chips Could Lead to More Successful Space Businesses
Building the Space Talent Pipeline
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.” So wrote the Lebanese poet and artist Kahil Gibran. I was of a generation that read his book “The Prophet” in my teenage years, when I thought it profound, and threw it away in my college years, finding it treacly and...
Building the Space Talent Pipeline
Solar Power from Space: A Solution to Net Zero?
The world’s energy consumption is increasing and will continue to grow. According to a report by the University of Oxford, current global energy consumption is more than 160 billion megawatt hours per year, of which solar energy today contributes only 0.58 billion megawatt hours. Despite increases investment in renewable energy solutions, more than 80 percent...
Solar Power from Space: A Solution to Net Zero?
The Quality of Service Challenge for NGSO Constellations
Until recently our industry thought that it could make money by connecting the unconnected. As a result, Non-Geostationary (NGSO) operators and startups have been struggling to find profits and diverted strategic plans from providing rural broadband to supporting government and military applications and connecting businesses and cruise ships. SES’ O3b and OneWeb are perfect examples...
The Quality of Service Challenge for NGSO Constellations
Is the Competitive IFC Environment Prepared for the Multi-Orbit Future?
The in-flight connectivity (IFC) market is one of many verticals disrupted by the proliferation of satellites in Non-Geostationary Orbits (NGSO). While the aviation industry is still in the early stages of a recovery from the impact of the pandemic, NGSO operators, notably OneWeb, SES, SpaceX, and Telesat, remain focused on building a business around the...
Is the Competitive IFC Environment Prepared for the Multi-Orbit Future?