
How Satellite Prevented a War for Water
Have you ever been really, really thirsty?  Not just dry-mouthed in the middle of the night or longing for a cold drink after an afternoon in the sun. But truly parched? Probably not. In developed nations, hydration became a mantra, and water bottles became a fashion accessory sometime in the past 10 years. No doubt,...
How Satellite Prevented a War for Water
Is Entropy Our Fate for the Space Economy?
In college, I learned of a concept both fearful and awesome — one that is a measure of chaos and reminds us of the importance of order: entropy. Put in a social science sense, humans fight against the effects of entropy; we organize societies, develop language and set rules, norms, and laws for ourselves. In...
Is Entropy Our Fate for the Space Economy?
10 Things NSR Learned at SATELLITE 2023
Discussions at SATELLITE 2023 last month ranged from the elephant(s) in the room – Starlink, Kuiper, orbital debris, and new funding challenges – to opportunities like direct-to-device and new technologies on the horizon that are making satellite and space an exciting and engaging topic. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at NSR’s takeaways...
10 Things NSR Learned at SATELLITE 2023
Through the Looking Glass: A Closer Look at Starlink Maritime
Starlink have been making a ‘splash’ in the world of maritime and the industry has observed with keen interest the growth and deployment of the LEO service. Connectivity is becoming more crucial and digitalization tools have become almost standard protocol. With IT management interactions in real-time, LEO services such as Starlink Maritime are becoming highly...
Through the Looking Glass: A Closer Look at Starlink Maritime
How Rapid Growth in Drone Use and EU Regulations Will Accelerate Demand for Satellite Connectivity
By 2030, global use of commercial drones is expected to increase tenfold, and the market is growing exponentially, especially due to geopolitical concerns and increasing commoditization. But with rapid growth comes new regulation, and this creates new business opportunities for developers and providers of satellite-based connectivity for drone technology. The international drone market can be...
How Rapid Growth in Drone Use and EU Regulations Will Accelerate Demand for Satellite Connectivity
The Role of Network Security in Open RAN and the Implications for 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks
Open RAN Architecture Changes the Game The next generation of cellular networks, 5G-Advanced, is set to be drastically different in terms of how the infrastructure is built and deployed. One of the most radical changes relates to how the architecture embraces virtualization and cloud-native features, with functionality implemented in software, such as with cloud-native network...
The Role of Network Security in Open RAN and the Implications for 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks
Why the Space Industry Needs the FCC's New Anti-Debris Regulations
The Federal Communications Commission approved in September a new regulation where all non-functional Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have to be deorbited no later than five years after their decommission. Prior to that new rule, deorbiting out-of-duty satellites was a task that could take up to 25 years. A stricter modification on deorbiting was expected by...
Why the Space Industry Needs the FCC's New Anti-Debris Regulations
Does the Future of the Internet Depend on Satellite?
A few short years ago, the question posed by that title would have been laughable. How could the future of the internet – with its 997 terabits per second of global capacity at the end of 2022 – depend on something as costly and bandwidth-constrained as satellite? But the idea is not as strange as...
Does the Future of the Internet Depend on Satellite?
Is the Space Insurance Market for LEO Sustainable?
As the commercialization of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) continues at pace, there is a growing concern as to the continued availability of insurance for satellites operating in it. The last few years have seen Swiss Re, AIG, Aspen Re, and AGCS (Allianz) exit the space insurance market, with several others pulling back their coverage. The key...
Is the Space Insurance Market for LEO Sustainable?