
The Bush Space Vision--A Big Splash, But No Cash
by Christopher Mecray The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) received heaping criticism in recent years for lacking an inspired vision for space exploration to provide a tangible focal point for its future. This criticism manifested in pressure for NASA to better support the case for ongoing funding of the manned space program, which intensified...
Internet Technology: Pushing The Limits
Peter J. Brown With its ability to instantly deliver Internet Protocol (IP)-based video, voice and data anywhere in the world, the satellite industry is simply giving the public and private sectors more options. A few vertical industries where satellite technology offers solutions include health care, energy, public safety, transportation and Homeland Security, each of which...
Dollars And Sense: Military Space Control--Get Involved
by Carissa Bryce Christensen Space control–assuring that friendly forces can use the space environment while denying its use to the enemy–is perhaps the highest priority space mission of the United States military. The terminology for the elements of the space control mission–space situational awareness, defensive counterspace and offensive counterspace–may not be familiar, but many of...
Dollars And Sense: How Good A Satcom Customer Is The DoD?
by Carissa Bryce Christensen The U.S. Defense Department (DoD) continues to become a bigger customer for commercial satellite communication services. Since September 11, 2001, DoD has increased its use of commercial satellites to support Operation Enduring Freedom from one commercial transponder for the region to more than 35, buying satellite capacity from global suppliers. More...
X-band: How Interested Should The Commercial Sector Be?
Supplying a diverse cache of satellite services is currently a major driver among industry executives needing to increase their profit margins. The commercial satellite payload operators catering to global clients are now exploring new opportunities outside of the traditional C- and Ku- and more recently utilized Ka-band spectrums. One band some satellite service providers are...
Dollars And Sense: Making Sense Of National Security Space
by Carissa Bryce Christensen Recent world events demonstrate U.S. dependence on space for executing military operations. U.S. national security space spending will dominate the space industry for the immediate future as struggling space companies target growing military and intelligence markets. Good business planning today demands a clear understanding of the recent changes in the U.S....
The FY04 Space Budget--Government Space To The Rescue
by Chris Mecray The Bush Administration’s FY04 budget submission, sent to Congress in February, appears to provide for generous funding for ongoing space projects. Though it is more challenging to discern administration priorities in space programs versus, say, fighter aircraft, we see a generally robust level of support for key projects, as recommended in the...