
Ka-Band: Military and Commercial Sectors Gear Up
By Peter J. Brown The use of Ka-band is gaining momentum. Throughout the next year, the broadband over satellite sector in particular will know if the overall business model is on target. At the same time, the busy HDTV market should become even busier as HD delivery via Ka-band ramps up. Boeing is advertising the...
Satellites Stand By High Above The Hot Zone
By Peter J. Brown Exactly when and where the hot zone–the impacted area surrounding the precise spot where a weapon of mass destruction device is unleashed–will suddenly appear is anyone’s guess. What is certain is that first responders–fire, police and emergency medical personnel will be quickly activating their mass casualty incident management systems. In the...
Multimedia Matters: Mr. Chertoff, Take A Moment And Look Up
By Peter J. Brown By the time this goes to print, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff should have the results of his comprehensive departmental review in hand. So, where will the DHS place satellite technology in this emerging grand scheme to drastically overhaul and improve interdepartmental efficiency and operational coordination? Probably...
Warfighting And Ground Terminals: The Satellite Edge
By Peter J. Brown When it comes to delivering bandwidth in the battlefield, the U.S. military is in what is best described as rapid-recovery mode. The liberation of Kuwait more than a decade ago was accomplished with what is now considered a mere trickle of satellite bandwidth when contrasted to the enormous flood in demand...
Satellite And Secure Communications: A Strategic Combination
By James Careless Today more than ever, secure communications matter; whether for maintaining homeland security, protecting privacy or just keeping competitors’ prying eyes at bay. This is why businesses and governments alike constantly seek the most secure transmission paths for their communications and why they continue to choose satellite-enabled networks as their medium of choice....
Europe's Constitution in Space
By Gerry Oberst In January 2003, the European Commission issued a consultation green paper to initiate new discussions on Europe’s activities in space. It looks as if the European Union (EU) may finally define its space policy throughout the course of this year, with ramifications for the satellite industry. But the long-term effort depends on...
Multimedia Matters: Red Lines And Blue Origins
by Peter J. Brown As I was sitting here on my snow-covered island awaiting news of a possible broadband via satellite breakthrough, the Bezos space connection suddenly blossomed into view. I was quite unprepared to hear news that billionaire Jeff Bezos, the founder of, has plans to set up shop in West Texas, buying...
Image Is Everything: Satellites Zoom In On Target
By Peter J. Brown Much development in the satellite remote sensing industry has occurred since the 1990s and new government and commercial applications continue to emerge on the arena. Today, all eyes are on the satellites, the next-generation sensors and imagers, and the steady progression of new software tools which are making satellite imagery easier...
Surrey Satellite: Smaller Satellites, Bigger Plans
At U.K.-based Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL), a number of earth observation (EO) projects are underway. The largest involves five microsatellites for the $100 million Rapideye constellation being constructed for Germany-based Rapideye AG, by MDA of Canada, according to David Frampton, SSTL marketing and communications manager. Each of the 150 kg microsatellites provides 6.5-meter ground...
Satellite Solutions Emerge For Disaster Response
By Peter J. Brown In 2004, global natural disasters and terrorist attacks took a tremendous toll. In the United States, many died and billions in property damage resulted as hurricanes ravaged the southern region of the country. Japan’s Niigata Prefecture was devastated by a major earthquake, which claimed numerous lives. And in Europe, dozens died...