
Satellites Support Businesses Working For Sustainable Development
The European Space Agency (ESA) has begun working with several large multinational businesses to integrate satellite data into the companies’ corporate sustainable development (CSD) efforts, ESA announced. The practice of CSD, also known as corporate social responsibility, is when corporations manage their business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. Companies regularly issue...
Lockheed Martin Captures TMOS; Receives Third AEHF Contract
Lockheed Martin Corp. won the rights to build the ground-based network architecture for the U.S. Air Force‘s next-generation Transformational Satellite communications (TSAT) system, the Air Force announced Jan. 27. Separately, the Air Force let a contract to Lockheed Martin for the third, and likely final, Advanced Extremely High Frequency (EHF) communications satellite. Future Of Military...
Italian Vineyard Mixes Satellite, Aerial Imagery To Monitor Harvest
Part of Frascati’s Controlled Origin Denomination — "Denominazione d’Origine Controllata" or DOC in Italian, a wine’s legally demarcated home region — was surveyed before and after the October harvest using airborne and satellite imagery under a European Space Agency (ESA) program. The Bacchus-Doc effort, intended to use earth observation and GIS technology to improve European...
Stronger, More Precise Signals From GPS Constellation Bring Promise Of Enhanced Commercial Opportunity
Stronger, more reliable, and loaded with commercial possibilities: That’s what’s the next generation of GPS – dubbed L2C – is all about. That was the news delivered by Deputy Director of Commerce David Sampson at the half-day conference, "Next-Generation GPS for Enhanced Business Productivity," Jan. 26 in Washington, D.C. "In September 2005, the Air Force...
Eutelsat In No Hurry To Join FSS Consolidation Wave
Eutelsat ended 2005 in hectic fashion, closing the saga of its efforts to go public with a successful initial public offering (IPO) Dec. 2 after an earlier false start. With Eutelsat now a publicly traded entity, it becomes the next focus of the consolidation efforts that have started in the Fixed Satellite Services industry, said...
Crisis On The Gulf Coast: When Satellite Was The Only Game In Town
By Peter J. Brown As Hurricane Katrina approached the U.S. Gulf Coast, she let everyone know that well before a natural disaster occurs, officials need satellite links close at hand. Unfortunately, this lesson was learned the hard way. For months, emergency preparedness officials and satellite industry executives have been aggressively lobbying for more robust communications...
Dollars And Sense: A Look Back; A Look Ahead
By Owen D. Kurtin Last year, we predicted that 2004 might go down in history as the year that the satellite business started to rationalize itself, turned the corner of the disastrous first years of the 21st century and positioned itself to take on both terrestrial competition and the challenge of new service offerings going...
Delivering Educational Content And Overcoming Adversity With Satellite
Project Exploration is a Chicago-based non-profit organization whose goal is to make natural science accessible to the public, especially urban youth. In October 2003, University of Chicago paleontologist Dr. Paul Sereno and 11 team members crisscrossed northern Niger’s Sahara desert in search of Africa’s youngest dinosaurs. The National Geographic Society and the David and Lucille...
Middle East: Short-Term Opportunities Turn Into Long-Term Businesses
By Jason Bates The more than 20 countries that make up the Middle East are thirsting for more satellite bandwidth in order to provide a wide variety of military and commercial services throughout the region. Companies that want to play in the market may have to jump through plenty of hoops to establish their businesses,...