
Critical Year For European Space Programs
2007 will be a key year for Europe, with major programs such as the Galileo satellite navigation system and Global Monitoring for Environment and Security initiative scheduled to take crucial steps forward and the European Space Agency preparing to shape the continent’s space policy throughout the next few years. Which programs are likely to have...
Satellites Ready to Alert and Warn
The cluster of storms that left a path of destruction across central Florida in early February again brings into focus the true status of alerts and warning systems throughout the United States. Many states have been in the process of adding an additional layer of security in the form of a satellite-enabled alerts and warnings...
Scanning Borders And Seas Via Satellite
Satellites play a critical role in domestic and international homeland security operations. To maintain secure borders, around-the-clock surveillance is required, and monitoring what flows across borders and approaches a country’s shores requires constant vigilance in good weather and bad. In the United States, teams engaged in the Secure Border Initiative (SBI) and Maritime Domain Awareness...
Satellites Contribute To Improved Readiness Overall
The lessons of recent natural disasters around the globe are not likely to be forgotten soon, and people need to be reassured that in the event of any large-scale natural or man-made disaster, adequate medical resources and a well-coordinated cadre of personnel will be on scene rapidly. In part due to difficulties in the wake...
Fix The National Guard Bandwidth Gap
The National Guard Empowerment Act of 2007 was introduced in both the House and Senate (S 430 & HR 718) at the end of January. There are several important provisions to this legislation, including the fact that it seeks to give the National Guard Bureau (NGB) the ability to identify and validate equipment needs essential...
Key Players Sign On For Europe's Galileo Project
While not out of the woods yet, the Galileo project took significant steps forward last week with signatures being attained from all the companies for the setting up of the Galileo Operating Company (Concessionaire). A leading satellite executive familiar with the situation but requesting anonymity due to the sensitivity of negotiations said, "what I can...
NASA Budget Woes Could Delay Orion-Ares Up To Six Months
A shortage of funds will mean that NASA will see a delay of up to six months for the scheduled first launch of the next-generation Orion-Ares crew exploration vehicle, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin said Feb. 28. That will only lengthen further an already "unseemly" four-year gap from when the existing space shuttle fleet is scheduled...
European Space Policy May Take Off In 2007
In mid-2005, European politicians declared that “European space policy will take off before the end of 2005.” It did not quite happen that way, as European voters rejected the European constitution that, among other matters, would have given space policy authority to the European Commission. The constitution would have established space as an area of...
Surrey Wins ESA Contract For Geostationary Smallsat Development
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. has been awarded a development contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to continue work on a geostationary small satellite platform, the company announced Jan. 31. Under the contract, valued at 2.3 million British pounds ($4.5 million), Surrey will extend its work on the Geostationary Minisatellite Platform. Surrey began work on...