
SpaceDev Receives SBIR Contract
[11-01-07 – Satellite Today]  SpaceDev has been awarded a $100,000 contract to develop a new radiator technology for satellite thermal control, the company announced Nov. 1.     SpaceDev will collaborate...
MSV To Operate Two GSMART Groups
[11-01-07 – Satellite Today]  Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) will operate two Gulf States Mutual Aid Radio Talkgroups (GSMART), the company announced Nov. 1.     The groups, which will enable communications...
TCS Appoints Commercial Sales Lead
[11-01-07 – Satellite Today]  TeleCommunication Systems Inc. (TCS) has named Timothy Lorello to lead commercial sales, the company announced Nov. 1.     Lorello will oversee the firm’s sale of messaging,...
Iridium Provides Support For Falcon Watch
[10-30-07 – Satellite Today]  Iridium Satellite will provide global monitoring and transmission capabilities to Harris Corp.’s Falcon Watch Remote Imager, Iridium announced Oct 29.     The Falcon Watch RF-5408-RI is...
Xicom Receives WGS Order
[10-30-07 – Satellite Today]  Radyne Corp. business unit Xicom Technology has received two orders for millimeter-wave power amplifiers for use in military terminals, Radyne announced Oct. 30.     The contract,...
EMS, Windmill Deliver GBS To Military
[10-29-07 – Satellite Today] EMS Technologies Inc. and Windmill International have turned their portable Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Receive Suite over to the military for evaluation, EMS announced Oct. 29....