
RT Logic Wins Boeing Contract
[Satellite Today – 3-19-08] RT Logic will provide Boeing Co. with a modulator/receiver system that will be used to support of the U.S. Air Force’s Combat Survivor/Evader Locator (CSEL) Modulator/Receiver Processor project, RT Logic announced March 19.     The CSEL system allows rescue forces to communicate with downed airmen anywhere in the world via over-the-horizon...
Lucena To Chair ESA Council
[Satellite Today – 3-17-08] Maurici Lucena, director general of CDTI (the Spanish Innovation Agency,), will chair the European Space Agency (ESA) Council for the next two years, ESA announced March 14.     Lucena will take the reins from Per Tegnér of Sweden in July.     Lucena was appointed director general of CDTI in 2004 and...
Sixth GPS 2R Satellite Placed In Orbit
[Satellite Today – 3-17-08] The sixth GPS 2R satellite built by Lockheed Martin was launched March 15, the satellite manufacturer announced.     The satellite, placed in orbit by a United Launch Alliance Delta 2 rocket, carries a modernized antenna panel to provide increased signal power to receivers on the ground, two new military signals for...
Euroconsult: Earth Observation Market To Shift Away From Government Programs
[Satellite Today – 3-14-08] The world manufacturing market for Earth observation satellites will grow by 14 percent over the next nine years to $16.9 billion, according to a new report from Euroconsult.     Private sector and emerging government space programs are taking over from the established government programs that dominated the industry, according to “Satellite-Based...
Space Micro Receives SBIR Contract
[Satellite Today – 3-14-08] Space Micro Inc. has been awarded a contract to develop a miniaturized space weather instrument for the U.S. Air Force, Space Micro announced March 13.     The phase 1 contract, which was awarded under the Small Business Innovative Research program, is scheduled to be completed in late 2008.     “Space Micro...
ULA Performs First West Coast Atlas 5 Mission
 [Satellite Today – 3-14-08] United Launch Alliance (ULA)’s Atlas 5 rocket has been launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base’s Space Launch Complex-3 East for the first time, ULA announced March 13.     The launch marks the end of a four-year program to expand the complex for the U.S. Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program....
RSCC Awards Express-AM4 Contract To Khrunichev-Astrium Team
[Satellite Today – 3-14-08] The Russian Satellite Communications Co. (RSCC) signed a contract with Khrunichev Center to build the Express-AM4 satellite, RSCC announced March 14.     The spacecraft will be based on EADS Astrium‘s Eurostar E3000 platform and carry 63 transponders operating in C-, Ku-, Ka and L-bands.     The satellite, which will be located...
Lockheed Martin, Boeing Submit GOES-R Proposals
[Satellite Today – 3-13-08] Lockheed Martin has submitted a bid to NASA to manufacture the next generation Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-R), the company announced March 13.     Data from the GOES spacecraft, which will be operated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will provide weather warning products to the commercial, educational...
SpaceDev To Supply Jumpstart Mission With Satellite
[Satellite Today – 3-12-08] SpaceDev Inc. will provide the first commercial satellite for the U.S. Department of Defense‘s Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Office Jumpstart Mission, SpaceDev announced March 10.     Jumpstart will fly a responsive payload on a SpaceX Falcon 1 mission scheduled for June. The mission will demonstrate agility and flexibility in the rapid...
Norsat Awarded NATO BOA
[Satellite Today – 3-11-08] Norsat International Inc. has signed a Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) to supply NATO‘s Consultation, Command and Control Agency with its OmniLink and GlobeTrekker portable satellite terminals as well as its suite of microwave products, Norsat announced March 11.     "Being awarded this BOA opens the door to a large range of...