
Letter From the Editor
As conflicts continue in Afghanistan and Iraq, the demands by military forces for advanced communications have never been greater. The nature of conflict seems to have changed in recent years, with the enemy becoming more sporadic and mobile than ever before. The importance of advanced communications can literally mean the difference between life and death....
German Military Satellite Launched
[Satellite Today – 3-28-08] The fourth SAR-Lupe satellite was placed into orbit March 27 by a Russian Cosmos-3M rocket, the German Ministry of Defence announced.     This is the fourth satellite in the SAR-Lupe program, which provides high-resolution images to the German Ministry of Defence, and preliminary tests have confirmed that the latest satellite is...
Eumetsat Signs New Climate Change Agreement
[Satellite Today – 3-28-08] Eumetsat (the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) signed a collaboration agreement with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) to use satellite technology to address climate change issues.     Under the agreement, announced March 27, the institutions will combine their respective efforts in addressing environmental challenges, particularly in...
Raytheon Completes System Requirements Review For OCX
[Satellite Today – 3-28-08] Raytheon Co. has completed the system requirements review for the U.S. Air Force’s next-generation GPS Control Segment (OCX), Raytheon announced March 28.     In November, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman received contracts to continue work on their proposed OCX systems, which include satellite command and control, mission planning, constellation management, monitoring stations...
Lockheed Martin Achieves Static Loads Testing For MUOS
[Satellite Today 3-26-08] Lockheed Martin completed static load testing of the first Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite, the company announced March 26.      The test, which validated the satellite’s strength and ability to sustain its launch weight of more than 13,000 pounds, demonstrated that the structure can carry the physical loads it will experience...
Xicom Wins Air Force GMT Contract
[Satellite Today – 3-25-08] Radyne Corp. business unit Xicom Technology received a $5.8 million order to provide tri-band and Ka-band power amplifiers to the U.S. Air Force, Radyne announced March 25.     The amplifiers will be procured for the Ground Multi-band Terminal (GMT) program. Each satellite communications system is contained in transit cases and is...
SpaceDev To Develop Seals For NASA
[Satellite Today – 3-24-08] SpaceDev Inc. has been awarded a contract to develop next-generation seal technologies for instrument covers for NASA, SpaceDev announced March 24.     Under the six-month Phase 1 Small Business Innovative Research, will perform feasibility studies for seals capable of repetitive use while maintaining integrity in abrasive environments. These technologies are intended...
DataPath Wins $6.6 Million U.S. Army Contract
[Satellite Today – 3-24-08] DataPath Inc. has been awarded a $6.6 million contract to support DataPath terminals and trucks used in the U.S. Army‘s Joint Network Node (JNN)/Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) program, DataPath announced March 24.      Work under the delivery order, which is part of a previously announced four-year contract with the Army that...
GOES-R Contract On Schedule For December Award
[Satellite News – 3-18-08] The deadline for proposals to build the spacecraft for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R series (GOES-R) program passed March 11, with Northrop Grumman, Boeing Co. and Lockheed Martin submitting bids to build the environmental monitoring spacecraft.     Teams led by the three companies had been working on GOES-R proposals under contracts...