
Raytheon Forms Team To Bid For Air Force GBS Contract
[Satellite Today – 4-8-08] Raytheon Co. will team with Harris Corp. and HP to pursue the $30 million U.S. Air Force Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Broadcast Manager transition contract, Raytheon announced April 8.     The GBS is support system for the military, providing video, imagery and other information to support forces on post, in transit...
General Dynamics Wins $109 Million For WIN-T Satellite Terminals
[Satellite Today – 4-8-08] General Dynamics Satcom Technologies has been awarded $109 million from the U.S. Army to provide satellite communications terminals and support services for Increment One of the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) program, General Dynamics announced April 8.       General Dynamics will provide 299 satellite transportable terminals and two unit hub satellite...
DataPath Begins Delivery Of National Guard Disaster Response System
[Satellite Today – 4-7-08] DataPath Inc. has begun delivery of 32 mobile incident site command trailers to the U.S. Army National Guard, DataPath announced April 7.     The trailers will be used for the National Guard’s Joint Incident Site Communications Capability (JISCC), a communications bridge between first responders and other local, state and federal agencies....
GPS 2R-M Satellite Operational
[Satellite Today – 4-7-08] The GPS Block 2R-M satellite is operational for military and civilian users worldwide, the U.S. Air Force and Lockheed Martin announced April 7.     The satellite, designated GPS 2R-19M, is the sixth in a line of eight GPS 2R satellites that Lockheed Martin Navigation Systems has modernized for its customer, the...
Lockheed Martin Completes Final GPS 2R-M Satellite
[Satellite Today – 4-3-08] Lockheed Martin has completed work on the last satellite in the U.S. Air Force’s Global Positioning System Block 2R constellation, Lockheed Martin announced April 3. Work was completed less than a year after the Air Force awarded the contract and a month ahead of schedule, Lockheed Martin said.     Lockheed Martin...
Army Expands DataPath Terminal Contract
[Satellite Today – 4-3-08] DataPath Inc. has been awarded an $11.5 million contract to provide the U.S. Army with field services for a network of Ku-band terminals, the company announced April 3.      The awards are options from a previously announced contract that has a potential value of more than $50 million if all options...
Military Satellite R&D: All Eyes on Software
Military satellite designers rely on increasingly complex layers of software, and this means more vulnerabilities are lurking in space and on the ground. As more emphasis is placed on everything from real-time video transmissions to cyber warfare, the software that sustains satellite network performance becomes an even greater cause for concern. It must be even...
Satellite Vendors Ready to Meet Military Challenges
With the United States and its allies embroiled in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the demands on technology to help warfighters has never been greater, particularly against an enemy that is more fluid and flexible than before. Demands Satellite technology is playing a pivotal role in assisting military forces, and the United States is trying...
Thompson: TSAT Could Disappear
The unveiling of the Air Force budget request for fiscal year 2009 revealed that the service has cut funding to some programs such as the Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT) while increasing funding for programs like the Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) more than 300 percent. Loren Thompson, COO of the Lexington Institute, a think...
ESA Extends GIOVE-A Mission
[Satellite Today – 4-1-08] GIOVE-A, the first satellite in the Galileo satellite navigation system, has completed its nominal mission lifetime, and the European Space Agency (ESA) has extended its operations for a year, ESA announced March 31.     The Galileo In Orbit Validation Elements-A (GIOVE-A) test satellite began transmitting signals in January 2006 to validate...