
Boeing Launches GeoEye-1
[Satellite Today 09-08-08] Boeing launched the GeoEye-1 satellite aboard a Delta 2 rocket procured from United Launch Alliance, Boeing announced.     The rocket deployed the spacecraft about 58 minutes after the Sept. 7 liftoff from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.  According to Boeing, the ULA Delta II.      GeoEye-1 will provide black-and-white imagery with a...
EADS Astrium Wins Support Contract
[Satellite Today 09-05-08] The French Defence Procurement Agency awarded a support contract valued to EADS Astrium and Thales to extend the operational life of the Essaim demonstrator 18 months, Astrium announced Sept. 5     ESSAIM, a constellation of four microsatellites placed into orbit in December 2004, was designed to analyze and map the electromagnetic environment...
Harris Places Order With Comtech
[Satellite Today 09-05-08] Comtech EF Data Corp. received a $4.5 million order from Harris Corp. to provide equipment for the U.S. Navy‘s commercial broadband satellite program, Comtech announced Sept. 5.     The Navy will deploy the equipment to enable high-speed satellite communications for military personnel serving onboard various ship classes. Included in the order are...
Orbcomm Names Vice President of Operation
[Satellite Today 09-04-08] Susan Saadat has been named senior vice president of operations of Orbcomm, the company announced Sept. 4.     Saadat will focus on all aspects of Orbcomm’s operational processes, including customer service, technical support, service assurance, application development, subscriber communicator development and type approval as well as development of internal development projects.    ...
Inmarsat Agency Reveals Damage to Telecommunications in Haiti
[Satellite Today 09-04-08] The Inmarsat-sponsored agency Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) released reports indicating that telecommunications have been seriously damaged Haiti following Hurricane Gustav.     An team of telecom specialists left TSF’s headquarters in France Sept. 4 carrying Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) mobile satellite terminals, phone and fax lines and all the necessary equipment to...
ND SatCom Business Transformation Almost Complete
[Satellite News 09-03-08] ND SatCom likely will generate the majority of its revenues from the military/defence sector going forward, Karl Classen, ND SatCom’s CEO, said.     “Due to the business we gained from the German armed forces, we were able to increase revenue share from the defence segment up to some 40 percent of our...
Hurricane Hanna Delays GeoEye-1 Launch
[Satellite Today 09-03-08] Hurricane Hanna’s projected path has impacted the availability of certified Delta 2 launch specialists available to travel to Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., causing a slip in the scheduled launch of GeoEye-1, GeoEye Inc. announced Sept. 2.     The launch vehicle and satellite are on the pad and ready for launch, but...
MSV Expands Public Safety Networks
[Satellite Today 09-03-08] Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) has joined with the state of Washington’s Military Department Emergency Management Division to launch the NorthWest Satellite Mutual Aid Radio Talkgroup (NWSMART), the company announced Sept. 3.     According to MSV, NWSMART will serve public safety interests throughout seven states including: Alaska, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and...
Steve MacLean Appointed President of CSA
[Satellite Today 09-02-08] The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) appointed Astronaut Steve MacLean as its president Sept. 2.     MacLean, who served onboard both the space shuttles Columbia and Atlantis, is one of Canada’s first six astronauts.     He previously was chief astronaut for CSA, chief science advisor for the International Space Station and director general...
India's NRSA Becomes an ISRO Center
[Satellite Today 09-02-08] The National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) of India has been converted into the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), the Indian government announced Sept. 1.     As part of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the NRSC will integrate with other ISRO centers in the development and operations of the ground segment of...