
Lockheed Team Finishes GPS III Baseline Review
A team led by Lockheed Martin Corp. [LMT] finished the Global Positioning System III (GPS III) spacecraft integrated baseline review on schedule, the company announced. That effort with the Air Force leads toward a future preliminary design review. GPS III will improve position, navigation, and timing services for the warfighter and civil users worldwide and...
Chinese Hackers Break Into White House Computers
Cyber warriors in China repeatedly hacked into an unclassified White House computer network, stealing data before IT experts patched the system to fix the breach, the Financial Times reported. China has developed a formidable army of cyber warriors that, in a conflict with the United States, could unleash chaos on U.S. computer systems and disrupt...
NASA Starved For Needed Funds
NASA Sees Only 65 Percent Chance Orion-Ares Will Fly In March 2015; CBO Says Costs Might Exceed Plans By As Much As $7 Billion Over NASA Budgets Chances Of Retiring Shuttles By October 2010 Seen At 20-60 Percent; Lunar Mission May Not Launch In 2020 As Scheduled, CBO States There is only a 65 percent...
Sensors Tested On BMDS Launched From Vandenberg
Multiple sensors in ballistic missile defense systems (BMDS) were linked as they participated in a test, tracking a strategic missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced. Participants included the Sea-Based X-Band radar, and infrared detectors mounted aboard two F-16 aircraft from the Arizona National Guard Air Force Reserve Center...
Northrop Delivers Ceres Sensor For NPOESS
The CERES sensor was delivered a week ahead of schedule and on budget for the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP), Northrop Grumman Corp. [NOC] announced. Some members of Congress have complained about the pace and cost of the NPOESS project. That CERES sensor, which will measure effects of clouds on...
NASA Gives Lockheed $667.3 Million To $977 Million Contract NASA gave Lockheed Martin Corp. [LMT] a $667.3 million to $977 million contract affecting hardware and other items needed for human spaceflight missions, with work centered at Johnson Space Center. The contract base period begins Jan. 1 and continues through Sept. 30, 2012, including two one-year...
Polar Operational Environmental Satellite Delivered
The NOAA-N Prime spacecraft, a Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES), was delivered to Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., for a Feb. 4 launch, Lockheed Martin Corp. [LMT] announced. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. built the bird. NOAA-N Prime is the latest in the Advanced TIROS-N (ATN) satellite series. All have been designed and built for...
Military Weather Satellite Longevity Means Launch Of Replacement Delayed
A satellite expected to last four years is still going after five years in orbit, so its replacement won’t have to be launched immediately, Lockheed Martin Corp. [LMT] stated. The bird is the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Flight 16 (F16) Block 5D-3 spacecraft. This bird continues to provide critical weather data to the warfighter....
Lockheed Martin Team Wins $667.3 Million NASA Development Contract
[Satellite Today 11-10-08] A team led by Lockheed Martin was awarded the facilities development and operations contract for the Johnson Space Center by NASA, Lockheed Martin announced Nov. 10.     Services provided by will include the development, sustaining engineering, operations, and maintenance of facilities supporting training, flight design, flight planning, reconfiguration, and real-time operations for...