
NASA Symposium Gives Small Firms Tips On How To Become Subcontractors
Leaders of small businesses received extensive tips from NASA prime-contractor officials on how to become subcontractors, during a two-day symposium at a Washington hotel. The tips included common-sense guidance, such as jumping to answer the phone if a prime contractor calls with a question. Don’t expect to be brought on to a prime contractor team...
Future of TSAT Uncertain In Obama Administration
Chances are that funding may be cut for the Transformational Satellite Program, or TSAT, along with some other defense programs that may go under the knife in the impending administration of President-elect Obama, a report asserts. The report dated last week was published by the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), a Washington think...
Study: No Gigantic Defense Spending Cuts Under Obama Administration
But Missile Defense Generally, And The Airborne Laser Especially, Will Face Close Obama Scrutiny While some military analysts have voiced concerns that President-elect Obama will slash defense spending deeply when he takes office, a new study says that may not be so, except for likely cuts in missile defense programs, especially the Airborne Laser. Rather...
Construction Advances At Iranian Heavy Water Reactor
Iran is moving ahead solidly with construction of a little-noticed heavy water reactor, a new study by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) discloses. If Iran can succeed in obtaining some smuggled components for the facility, it can be completed, the ISIS study concluded. The study, by David Albright and Paul Brannan, observes...
Analyst: U.S Should Plan to Defend Space Assets
The United States should erect defenses against anti-satellite attacks, rather than merely attempting to deter assaults, according to an analyst. Deterrence may well not work, stated Robert Butterworth, president of Aries Analytics, Inc., an Alexandria, Va., firm. He spoke at a forum held in a House office building, presented by the George C. Marshall Institute,...
KEI Passes First-Stage Motor Static Fire Test
A Versatile KEI Could Be New Interceptor For Navy Ships, Briefers Say Briefers Have No Word That KEI Funding To Be Cut Under Obama The Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI) first stage motor passed a static-fire test last week, officials reported. That leaves just one more static fire test remaining on the ballistic missile defense stage...
Boeing Software Cuts Risk For TSAT
A new software has demonstrated it can support the space and ground segments of the Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT), The Boeing Co. [BA] announced. This demonstration is one of three being conducted by Boeing and partner Raytheon Co. [RTN] as part of TSAT risk-reduction efforts funded by the Air Force. "Boeing has built a...
Boeing Adds Capabilities To Benefit GPS IIF System
The Boeing Co. [BA] will improve capabilities for technology in the Air Force Operational Control Segment (OCS) satellite ground-control system. That will permit\the system to operate the new Boeing-built Global Positioning System (GPS) IIF satellites in addition to the current on-orbit GPS fleet, and provide advanced encryption and data-protection capabilities. The first of 12 GPS...
Third Instrument Delivered For NPOESS
The third of five sensors has been delivered to the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS), Northrop Grumman Corp. [NOC] announced today. That science instrument will monitor ozone from space with higher fidelity than existing instruments. Progress should be welcomed by some lawmakers in Congress, who have criticized NPOESS for being behind schedule and...