
Obama Calls For New Space Mission
President Obama said NASA suffers from "drift," adding that NASA must have "a new mission that is appropriate for the 21st century," the Orlando Sentinel reported. He also will appoint a new NASA administrator soon to succeed Mike Griffin, a Bush administration appointee whom Obama decided not to retain in the top space post, Obama...
U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Disbands Space Enterprise Council
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is disbanding the Space Enterprise Council that it fostered more than eight years ago. No public press release announcement of the switch was made by the Chamber. The council has been an active group, organizing seminars on key matters such as what NASA needs to see in proposals from contractors...
NASA Awards $58 Million Contract For Services At Johnson Space Center
NASA awarded a contract worth up to $58 million for administrative support services at Johnson Space Center in Houston. The deal went to REDE/Critique NSS, Joint Venture, of New Orleans. That contract begins May 4 and has a three-year base period of service that includes two one-year extension options. The company will provide general office...
Blair: Iran Moving Towards Developing Nuclear-Tipped Ballistic Missiles
U.S. Intelligence Unsure Whether Iran Already Bought Nuclear Bomb From Another Nation: Witnesses U.S. Intel Experts Say Iran Wields Technological Know-How To Build Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Iran is moving in two out of three crucial areas needed to develop nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, Dennis C. Blair, director of national intelligence, said. One required step is to...
Report Urges Sweeping U.S. Space Policy
Balanced, Steady Funding Sought For Missile Defense As President Obama is considering whether to resurrect the former White House National Space Council, a recent report recommends just such a move, and also urged full and stable funding for space programs. That funding advice comes as Obama is writing his first federal budget since taking office....
In Tight-Money Times, Leaders At NASA Centers Find Ways To Cope
GREENBELT, Md. — Even before President Obama releases his detailed federal government budget plan for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2009, leaders of NASA centers across the nation are learning how to do more with fewer people and less money. They described their coping strategies during a symposium on sustainable space exploration conducted by...
Ares I Rocket Igniter Tested
NASA test-fired the igniter used to start the Ares I rocket first stage motor, the agency announced. The test paves the way for the initial ground test of the Ares I first stage later this year. Ares I is the first launch vehicle in the Constellation Program family of space vehicles that will transport astronauts...