
Raytheon Wins DISA Information Assurance and Network Operations Contract
The U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) awarded Raytheon an information assurance and network operations contract to design, transition and operate a secure voice, video and data-information sharing and collaboration environment over satellite links for U.S. and coalition forces, Raytheon announced May 5.     The system would connect disparate networks into a single, integrated network...
Next-Gen Blue Force Tracking Systems Undergo Testing This Summer
Comtech Mobile Datacom’s new Blue Force Tracking High Capacity (BFT-HC) system could be ready for military operations as early as this summer, with a rollout target that coincides with the buildup of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, Dan Wood, the unit’s president, said.     Comtech is one of several companies competing for the U.S. Army...
German Ministry of Defense General Outlines Space Strategy
Germany is looking to be more innovative going forward with its military space strategy by building its own next generation military space system, SAR-Lupe. Brig. General Martin Schelleis, assistant chief of staff for concepts and operations for the German Federal Ministry of Defense discusses the issues facing the German military in changing its space landscape....
General Dynamics Wins $119 Million U.S. Army WIN-T Order
[Satellite Today 06-08-09] General Dynamics Satcom Technologies won a $119 million order to provide additional satellite communications earth terminals and support services for the U.S. Army‘s Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) program, General Dynamics announced June 5.     General Dynamics will provide 293 satellite transportable terminals (STT), six unit hub satcom trucks (UHST) and 534 Ka-band...
Codan Jumps on the U.S. X-band Wagon
[Satellite News 06-08-09] Australian microwave technology company Codan hopes its recent $3 million acquisition of U.S.-based Locus Microwave will significantly enhance Codan’s prospects in the market, Mike Heard. Codan’s managing director, told Satellite News.     The acquisition is a significant move for Codan, Heard said. “It gives the Codan group for the first time a...
WiMax Providers Put Up Solution for Smart Grid Automation Contracts
[Satellite Today 06-05-09] In the battle for U.S. stimulus funding, WiMax competitors are taking aim at potential smart grid technology contracts.     Space Data, a U.S.-based spectrum holder in the NPCS band, offered its 930 MHz licensed spectrum for smart grid communications in combination with Full Spectrum‘s FullMax broadband wireless system, Space Data announced June...
GeoEye Downplays Satellite Imagery Glitch in SEC Filing
[Satellite Today 06-05-09] GeoEye projected that an issue with its GeoEye-1 satellite, which occurred in May causing portions of its imagery to lack color when collected in a particular operating mode, will not have serious impact on revenues, the company announced June 4 in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).    ...
Lockheed Martin Wins U.S. Air Force SBIRS Contract
[Satellite Today 06-02-09] Lockheed Martin won a $1.5 billion contract to build the third Space Based Infrared Systems Geosynchronous Earth Orbit satellite, the U.S. Air Force announced May 29.     The cost-plus, fixed fee basis contract also includes the modification of related ground systems to handle the operations of three payloads simultaneously. Of the total...
Oerlikon Sells Space Division to Ruag
[Satellite Today 06-03-09] Swiss aerospace, defense and security technology group, Ruag has purchased Oerlikon Space AG, the space division of Swiss technology developer Oerlikon for an undisclosed amount of cash, Oerlikon announced June 2.     Oerlikon Space AG was defined as a non-core business by its parent company in 2008 and was sold due to...
Lockheed Martin Awarded SBIRS Contract Despite GAO Criticism
[Satellite News 06-02-09] Lockheed Martin won a $1.5 billion contract to build the third Space Based Infrared Systems Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (SBIRS-GEO) satellite after three years of testing and development despite several complaints by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) over the program’s procurement process.     The cost-plus, fixed fee basis contract, announced May 29...