
ViaSat Demonstrates Commercial Satcom Over JTRS Network
[Satellite TODAY 12-14-10] The U.S. Joint Program Executive Office (JPEO) for the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) and ViaSat have demonstrated the ability to integrate commercial mobile satcom networks with JTRS networks, ViaSat announced Dec. 13.     The demonstration attached a commercial broadband on-the-move satellite modem to the JTRS software-defined ground mobile radio. The system...
ISRO to Launch GSAT-5P Next Week; Resourcesat-2 Scheduled for January
[Satellite TODAY 12-14-10] The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will launch its GSAT-5P communication satellite Dec. 20 on a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) from ISRO’s second launch pad at Sriharikota, ISRO announced Dec. 13.     ISRO is launching GSAT-5P to replace the InSAT 2E satellite and ensure continuity of the region’s telecom and television...
NASA Loses Contact with NanoSail-D
[Satellite TODAY 12-14-10] NASA engineers have been unable to contact the NanoSail-D nanosatellite since it deployed last week from the Fast, Affordable, Science and Technology Satellite (FASTSat), the agency announced Dec. 10.      FASTSat, equipped with six science and technology demonstration payloads, including NanoSail-D, launched in November from Kodiak Island, Alaska. NASA said the deployment...
Lockheed Martin Team Completes Final Integrated System Tests on SBIRS
[Satellite TODAY 12-14-10] A Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) team led by the U.S. Air Force and prime contractor Lockheed Martin team has completed final integrated system testing of the first geosynchronous (GEO-1) satellite, which verified the spacecraft’s performance and functionality in preparation for delivery to the launch site, Lockheed Martin announced Dec. 13.    ...
Czech Ministry of Transport Hails EC Decision to Host GSA in Prague
[Satellite News 12-14-10] The European Commission (EC) has selected Prague as the future location of the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Agency (GSA). The decision will see the first major European institution hosted on Czech Republic soil.  Czech Ministry of Transport and Information Spokesman Tomáš Dombrovský told Satellite News said that representatives of the...
South African Space Agency Kicks Off with Satellite Ambitions
[Satellite News 12-14-10] The National Space Agency of South Africa (Sansa) has begun operations, South Africa’s Minister of Science Naledi Pandor said in a statement issued Dec. 14. Sansa opened its doors Dec. 9 with an office in Johannesburg and hopes to be fully operational by April 2012. “This agency will focus on six key...
NASA Issues $425 Million Research Support Contract to SSAI
[Satellite TODAY 12-13-10] NASA contracted Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI) to provide science, technology and research support services for the agency’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., the agency announced Dec. 10.     The deal will see SSAI support work in Earth and planetary atmospheric science, research and technology at Langley’s Atmospheric Sciences Data...
Hughes Offers National Managed Broadband Network to the U.S. Government
[Satellite TODAY Insider 12-10-10] Hughes Network Systems has unveiled a new terrestrial satellite service offering that it hopes will serve U.S. federal agencies as its national managed broadband network, the company announced Dec. 9.      Hughes released the new managed network services offering through its U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) schedule contract vehicle and Networx...
Obama Reveals Export Control Modernization Proposals
[Satellite TODAY 12-10-10] U.S. President Barack Obama unveiled proposals to speed the progress of export control modernization and revise the U.S. Munitions List (USML) and Commerce Control List, Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) announced Dec. 9.     The initiatives, revealed at a meeting of the President’s Export Council chaired by Boeing President and CEO James McNerney,...
NASA Selects SBIR/STTR Phase 1 Contract Winners
[Satellite TODAY 12-10-10] NASA is negotiating contracts with 350 small businesses over proposals to address critical research and technology needs for agency programs and projects, the agency announced Dec. 9.     The winners included small satellite technology manufacturers, including Honeybee Robotics, Stottler Henke Associates and CrossTrac Engineering.     The proposals are part of NASA’s Small...