
Lockheed Martin To Sell ILS Stake, Market Atlas 5 Missions On Its Own
Lockheed Martin Corp. will sell its share of the International Launch Services (ILS) joint venture to a consultant who has advised the aerospace and defense giant on the launch venture, Lockheed Martin announced Sept. 7. Lockheed Martin will sell its ownership interests in ILS and Lockheed Khrunichev Energia International Inc. (LKEI) to Space Transport Inc.,...
Global Launching: Strong Players, Tighter Competition
By Lisa Daniel After enduring years of low prices created by too many vehicles and too few satellites, the commercial launch industry is undergoing a market correction that is filling manifests and creating competitive services and alliances as well as some new players. For customers, the shift in supply and demand has meant rising prices...
Dollars & Sense: Small Satellites: Government And Military Procurement
In our June column, we reviewed the history and status of small satellites, generally considered to be those weighing less than 500 kilograms when fully fueled, from the commercial side. The other area in which small satellites will play a growing role is governmental civil and military use. Under the 500-kilogram umbrella, a few subcategories...
NASA Selects SpaceX, Rocketplane Kistler For Cargo Orbiting Demo
NASA selected Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) and Rocketplane Kistler to demonstrate their ability to loft cargo and eventually crew members to the International Space Station (ISS). In the demonstration contracts, each firm would have to demonstrate various proficiencies, including a test flight in 2008. The demonstration contracts would be worth about $207 million for Rocketplane...
RUSSIA: Promising Satellite Services Market May Be Tough To Crack
By Gordon Feller The Russian economy is expected to continue its sustained and steady growth rate in 2006. When the final tally is in at the end of this year, the country’s total gross domestic product should grow by at least 6 percent, matching the past two years. This economic strength has brought the interest...
Boeing Lays Out Financial Impact Of Ending Connexion
Boeing Co. warned that it would take a $350 million charge before the end of 2006 if it shuts down its Connexion by Boeing satellite Internet service for aircraft, the company announced July 26. In a release detailing the company’s 2006 second quarter financial performance, Boeing said its business segment that includes the Connexion service...
Prospects For Commercial Launch Industry Looking More Stable
After enduring some lean years, the commercial launch industry is beginning to gain momentum again according to officials from Arianespace, International Launch Services (ILS) and Sea Launch, the three major commercial launch providers. "We’re working hard to launch six Ariane 5s this year," said Clay Mowry, president of Arianespace Inc., Arianespace’s Washington, D.C.-based marketing arm....
State Of The Industry: Expansion On The Horizon
By Nick Mitsis The year 2005 was a robust year for services and hardware within the global satellite communications industry, with even stronger activity forecasted for the next few years. Once again, Via Satellite took a closer look at the industry developments that shaped business endeavors in 2005. Based on our database that tracks geostationary...