
2009 Will Separate Crisis From Opportunists
While there is a sense of optimism across the satellite industry, from the variety of opinions expressed during SATELLITE 2009, it is clear that there is no consensus on whether 2009 will be a year of growth or a year of hanging on.   Overall, the industry enjoyed much success in 2008 and has not...
Executives See New Opportunities in Down market
As companies cut travel budgets they communicate more, and as such, the overall information technology sector is in a good position to help other sectors in a time of tough circumstances around the globe, Hamadoun Toure, secretary general of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), said during the “Satellite SWOT: New Opportunities, New Risks, New Technologies...
Lively Panel Reflects State of Mobile Satellite Sector
The opening mobile satellite sector (MSS) panel at MSUA-6 lived up to expectations (at least the expectations we ascribed to it), as the CEOs provided some lively debates on topics such as Globalstar’s recent infusion of cash from the French government, business models, coverage areas and other topics. The discussion panel can be seen as...
Mobile Television Experts Debate Market Opportunities
A collection of leading manufacturers and service providers from the mobile television industry discussed many different facets of this dynamic market and took a frank and honest look at the development’s slower-than-expected rollout at the “Mobile TV: The Cross-Platform Interplay” panel at Satellite 2009.      The mobile television market, made up of many different sectors...
Mobile Satellite Sector Takes Center Stage
The CEOs of the world’s largest fixed satellite services companies remain upbeat about their prospects — and those of the satellite sector as a whole — in these difficult financial times but reminded everyone attending the opening session of SATELLITE 2009 that work remains to be done in areas such as ITAR and the broadband...
Mobile Satellite Sector Takes Center Stage
The CEOs of the world’s largest fixed satellite services companies remain upbeat about their prospects — and those of the satellite sector as a whole — in these difficult financial times but reminded everyone attending the opening session of SATELLITE 2009 that work remains to be done in areas such as ITAR and the broadband...
Satellite Firms Survive Rough Economy But Worry About Launcher Shortage
Although a combination of smart planning and sound financial management has enabled the world’s biggest satellite operators to weather the global economic crisis without significant disruption to their businesses, the firms are confronting other obstacles that executives say also could threaten their futures if left unchecked.     A lack of diversity among launch providers and...
CEOs Stress Importance of Customer Relationships in Tough Times
CEOs from a cross-section of the satellite industry — fixed satellite services, imaging, and satellite ground equipment segments — echoed the generally upbeat financial outlook for satellite players heard in other sessions at SATELLITE 2009. Several general themes recurred throughout the discussion, such as the value of long-term relationships with clients, as all of the...
SpaceX CEO Expects Commercial Deals This Year
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk told a luncheon at SATELLITE 2009 that the company expects to sign deals in the commercial arena for its Falcon 9 launch vehicle this year. The company, which is aiming to revolutionize the launch services arena is set for a pivotal year, as it not only aims for a number of...