
Commercial Lunar Service
The 40th anniversary of Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing, and the approaching end of the space shuttle program after a nearly 30-year run have prompted reflection and soul-searching in the United States as to the direction of future space efforts. While the shuttle has provided enormous scientific benefits and given the U.S. astronauts...
Boeing and Lockheed Martin Execs Discuss Providing Commercial Launch Services
[Satellite News 09-10-09] The fall of U.S. commercial launch service Sea Launch may offer an opportunity for both Boeing Launch Services (BLS) and Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services (LMCLS) to become a force in the U.S. commercial launch services market. But, with lucrative existing U.S. government business, both companies are no rush to make an...
SpaceX Still Working to Meet Musk's Falcon-9 Year-End Goals
[Satellite News 09-08-09] Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) successfully sold its Falcon 1 launch vehicle services twice this week. On Sept. 3, it won a four-year long-term commitment with Orbcomm to launch its new satellite constellation from 2010 to 2014, and on Sept. 8, won a contract with Astrium to launch its SSTL-designed Earth observation...
Commercial Bus Rides: Fast Ticket to Space
A U.S. Air Force technology program is scheduled to get new sensing technology in orbit within just two years instead of the typical seven. Separately, Australian Defense Force (ADF) officials estimate that taxpayers will save more than $100 million on its UHF payload program. Both are examples of military payloads that will be hosted on...
Middle Path to Space
Big remains beautiful in the satellite business, but launch vehicle operators are preparing new offerings to meet expected demand from commercial and government customers for small- and medium-class rockets that can deliver smaller payloads more cost-effectively. Demand for large spacecraft will hold true for operators placing communications spacecraft in geostationary orbit, but the overall picture...
Services Drive Satellite Performance in 2008
Demand for communications and other services helped drive a strong 2008 performance for the satellite sector. Via Satellite takes a closer look at developments that shaped the business and how some of those factors, such as long-term contracts and increased demand, will help keep satellite players in the black through a tougher economic climate. Global...
TerreStar-1, Sirius FM-5 Launch Preview
TerreStar-1, Sirius FM-5 Launch Preview [Satellite News 06-30-09] The scheduled launches of the TerreStar-1 and Sirius FM-5 satellites mark an extremely important week for North American satellite communications. For both TerreStar and Sirius XM Satellite Radio, the next step in the companies’ service development plans are crucial and dependant on the success of these launches....
Thales Signs Contract for Electronics for Ariane 5 Order
[Satellite Today 06-09-09] Thales Alenia Space ETCA signed a contract with Astrium to provide electronic equipment and services for the latest batch of Ariane 5 rockets, Thales announced June 8.     Arianespace announced a contract with Astrium in February valued at more than 4 billion euros ($5.1 billion) for the production of 35 Ariane 5...
SpaceX CEO Expects Commercial Deals This Year
[Satellite News 04-10-09] SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, in a speech to an executive luncheon at Satellite 2009, said he expects to sign deals in the commercial arena for its Falcon 9 launch vehicle this year. The company, which is aiming to revolutionize the launch services arena is set for a pivotal year, as it not...
Asia Poses Challenges, Opportunities for Satellite Industry
Asia’s complex political dynamics and tough regulatory environment mean the region is likely to remain a fragmented, yet highly important market for the satellite industry, panelists said March 26 at Satellite 2009. Many countries in Asia impose tough — sometimes insurmountable — restrictions on foreign companies that want to enter their markets, making it difficult...