
Horowitz Notes New Media World Will Force Industry Change
Edward Horowitz, Director, U.S. Space, LLC says the satellite sector must adapt to the changing needs of Generation X and Generation Y if it is to stay relevant.    In a luncheon speech at the SATELLITE 2011 Pre-Conference,  Horowitz discussed the changes of the last 10 years and offered his views for the next 20...
Investors Still Find Safety in Satellite Beginning to Look for Growth Opportunities
The satellite industry remains popular among technology/media analysts at investment banks, and satellite stocks in Europe and North America remain popular with analysts.     Chris Quilty, a satellite equity analyst at Raymond James, believes that the overall satellite industry held up well. The satellite industry performed well in 2010, experiencing only marginal impact from the...
Military Bandwidth Migration Path Leads to Ka-, X-band Satellite Offerings
Two years ago, the major challenge for U.S. military bandwidth providers in the commercial sector was persuading high-ranking Pentagon officials to accept the fiscal reality of commercial bandwidth reliance. Now, commercial providers and their bandwidth-starved military customers find themselves working together to make the same argument to Congress. This new environment, created by the global...
SATELLITE 2011: Where Will Satellite Be in 30 Years
The pre-day schedule will look at some of the future’s most pressing issues, beginning with the return of the must-attend Satellite Finance Forum. Satellite sector analysts and experts from throughout the financial sector will look at current economic issues and their potential impact on satellite companies and their markets.     The Satellite Finance Forum begins...
XCOR COO: Space Tourism Market Worth $7.5 Billion Over Next 20 Years
[Satellite News 02-22-11] U.S.-based space manufacturer XCOR Aerospace is set to unveil an update of its Lynx commercial space flight vehicle, which it hopes will capitalize on the blooming space tourism market.     The company anticipates commercial flights in the U.S. to start in late 2012, with production Lynx vehicles flying internationally by 2014. XCOR...
ViviSat's McGuirk, Wilson: Satellite Servicing Venture a "Game-Changer" for the Industry
[Satellite News 01-18-11] ViviSat, a new, U.S.-based satellite life extension joint venture between U.S. Space and ATK, intends to provide geosynchronous satellite operators with in-orbit mission extension and protection services in order to add to the revenue-producing life of its customers’ satellites.     ATK General Manager Tom Wilson and ViviSat COO Bryan McGuirk spoke with...
Year in Review: The Most Discussed U.S. Satellite Topics of 2010 (Part 1)
[Satellite News 01-04-11] Every sector of the U.S. satellite industry experienced dynamic changes with long-term impact in 2010. The year proved opportunities during an economic period that has curtailed many other businesses around the globe. Satellite News has compiled a list of the most discussed topics in the United States region based on Web traffic...
Year in Review: The Most Discussed U.S. Satellite Topics of 2010 (Part 2)
[Satellite News 01-04-11] Every sector of the U.S. satellite industry experienced dynamic changes with long-term impact in 2010. The year proved opportunities during an economic period that has curtailed many other businesses around the globe. Satellite News has compiled a list of the most discussed topics in the United States region based on Web traffic...