
French Government Allocates Funds for Ariane 5 Upgrade
[Via Satellite 09-04-13] Following the first meeting of the joint government-industry committee on space, the French Minister of Higher Education and Research announced that the government was allocating 25 million euros ($33 million) to an upgrade of the Ariane 5 launcher, within the scope of France’s Investment Program for the Future (PIA). The upgrade will...
Energia COO Moves to ILS as VP of Mission Assurance and Product Development
[Via Satellite 08-20-13] International Launch Services (ILS) has appointed Kirk Pysher as vice president of mission assurance and product development. Pysher will be in charge of bolstering ILS’ focus on performance with responsibility for the overall quality review and monitoring of the Proton Quality Management System (QMS), oversight of Proton production processes and procedures, and...
ISRO Cancels GSLV D5 Liftoff Due to Second Stage Leak
[Via Satellite 08-19-13] The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has cancelled the launch of the GSAT 14 advanced communication satellite after a leak was detected in the UH25 fuel system of the liquid second stage of the GSLV D5 rocket during the pre-launch pressurisation phase on the vehicle just two hours before the scheduled lift-off. The leak...
Proton Launch Failure Findings Released To ILS
A summary of the findings on the root cause and corrective action plan following the failure of the July 2 Proton M Block DM mission, which carried three GLONASS navigational satellites for the Russian Federal Government, has been released to International Launch Services (ILS) upon being cleared by Russian security.
Proton rocket
Can Antares Carve Out a Niche in Launch Market?
This column has previously reported on the in-flux state of the launch service provider sector of the space industry (see “Dollars and Sense,” April 2013), and has covered the progress of new market entrant SpaceX’s Falcon launch vehicles and Dragon payload. This market received another shake up this spring, with the April 21 launch of...
Owen D. Kurtin