
Ariane Space, Astrium to Produce 18 Additional Ariane 5 ECA Launchers
[Via Satellite 09-19-13] Arianespace and Astrium signed an initial agreement on Sept. 17 to begin the production of 18 additional Ariane 5 ECA launchers. As part of this agreement, Arianespace has ordered from Astrium long-lead items and the start of production activities for the 18 additional launchers. These items and the first production activities are...
DARPA Seeks to Lower Satellite Launch Costs with XS 1 Program
[Via Satellite 09-19-13] DARPA has established the Experimental Spaceplane (XS 1) program to develop a fully reusable unmanned vehicle that would provide aircraft-like access to space. The vehicle is envisioned to operate from a “clean pad” with a small ground crew and no need for expensive specialized infrastructure. The setup would enable routine daily operations...
Third AEHF Military Communication Satellite Launches Aboard Atlas 5 Rocket
[Via Satellite 09-18-13] The third Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) military communication satellite, built by a Lockheed Martin team for the U.S. Air Force, was successfully launched September 18 at 4:10 a.m. EST from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station aboard a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas 5 rocket. Lockheed Martin confirmed signal acquisition at 51...
First Inmarsat 5 Global Xpress Satellite Successfully Completes System Life Test
[Via Satellite 09-18-13] The first of three Inmarsat 5 Global Xpress satellites being built by Boeing has successfully completed a key system life test, paving the way for it to launch later this year. The satellite performed as expected during the spacecraft thermal vacuum test, which simulated the cold, airless vacuum of space. When operational,...
SES to Use Supplementary Satellite Spectrum at the 28.2/28.5 Degrees East Orbital Arc
[Via Satellite 09-16-13] SES has been granted rights to use German Ku-band orbital frequencies at the 28.5 degrees east orbital position. The rights become effective from Oct. 4, 2013 onwards pursuant to a 2005 agreement with German media service provider, Media Broadcast (MB), as successor to T-Systems Business Services. MB holds a license for these...
Exelis Delivers Payload for DigitalGlobe’s WorldView 3 Satellite
[Via Satellite 09-11-13] Exelis has delivered an integrated, super-spectral payload consisting of a telescope, sensor and shortwave infrared (SWIR) system for DigitalGlobe’s WorldView 3 satellite. This spacecraft is believed to be the first multi-payload, commercial satellite to carry such capabilities, and will allow DigitalGlobe to further expand its imagery product offerings. Exelis was selected in...
NASA Awards ASO with Contract for MMS Mission
[Via Satellite 09-10-13] NASA has awarded Astrotech Corporation’s Astrotech Space Operations (ASO) subsidiary, a provider of commercial space services, a contract to provide facilities and pre-launch processing services for the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission to launch in late 2014. Comprised of four identical satellites, MMS is the first mission awarded under the previously announced $9.1...
O3b Delays Satellite Launch Date for Additional Testing
[Via Satellite 09-09-13] O3b Networks has delayed the launch of its second group of four satellites. Originally scheduled for liftoff on Sept. 30 by Arianespace from French Guiana, the launch has been postponed to allow time for further testing. A new launch date, expected to be in the first quarter of 2014, will be confirmed...
NASA’S Ladee Lunar Orbiter to Launch Aboard Orbital’s Minotaur 5
[Via Satellite 09-06-13] Orbital Sciences Corporation is in final preparations for the launch of NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft aboard its new Minotaur 5 rocket. The vehicle is slated for launch from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in eastern Virginia on Friday, Sept. 6, 2013. NASA’s LADEE is a robotic mission that...
Sea Launch to Provide Launch Services for Undisclosed Customer
[Via Satellite 09-05-13] Sea Launch AG signed a launch services agreement with a proprietary customer to liftoff its spacecraft on the Sea Launch Zenit 3SL vehicle from the ocean-based Odyssey launch platform in 2016. Sea Launch’s customer for this mission has expressed its desire to remain anonymous at the present time, consistent with its current...