
SpaceX Successfully Launches AsiaSat 6/Thaicom 7
[Via Satellite 09-08-2014] After two delays, AsiaSat’s newest communications satellite, Asiasat 6, successfully lifted off on Sept. 7. This was the second SpaceX Falcon 9 launch for AsiaSat this summer,...
Falcon 9 lifts off carrying the Asiasat 6 satellite.
Roscosmos Announces Return of Proton Rocket
[Via Satellite 09-04-2014] Russia’s federal space agency Roscosmos has announced the first Proton launch since the May 2014 failure that claimed RSCC’s Express AM4R satellite. Roscosmos said Proton manufacturer Khrunichev and...
ILS Intelsat Proton 2015
NanoRacks Evaluating CubeSat Deployer Malfunction
[Via Satellite 09-04-2014] NanoRacks is continuing to study an anomaly that occurred with the company’s CubeSat deployers on the International Space Station (ISS), which have ceased to deploy CubeSats when...
cubesat depolyer
SpaceX Delays AsiaSat 6 Launch
[Via Satellite 08-27-2014] SpaceX has decided to reschedule the launch of AsiaSat 6, previously slated for today, in order to review all potential failure modes and contingencies. The company expects...
SpaceX Falcon 9