
ISRO to Launch Delayed M3M Satellite for Com Dev in 2015
[Via Satellite 10-062014] Com Dev International has signed a new launch contract for the M3M satellite originally slated to launch on a Russian Soyuz in June 2014. Antrix, the commercial arm of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has scheduled the satellite for a 2015 launch on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Com Dev’s...
Sierra Nevada Corp Partners With Stratolaunch for Dream Chaser Derivative
[Via Satellite 10-01-2014] Following NASA’s decision not to use the Dream Chaser “mini-shuttle” to ferry astronauts for the Commercial Crew Program (CCP), Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) has ramped up its efforts to find other commercial uses for its space vehicle. In addition to continuing to pursue human spaceflight, the company has also begun exploring other...
Dream Chaser SNC
Proton Rocket Returns To Uneasy Expectations
[Via Satellite 09-30-2014] After four months, the conclusions regarding Proton’s May 16 failure have been released, citing a “loss of structural integrity of a bolted interface” as the probable cause that led to a series of consequences that ultimately undid the rocket. The International Launch Services (ILS) Failure Review Oversight Board (FROB) drew its conclusions...
Proton ILS Khrunichev
Firefly Space Systems Moves to Texas, Musing Launch Site Prospects
[Via Satellite 09-29-2014] Firefly Space Systems, a launch company dedicated to small satellites, is moving from Hawthorne, Calif. to Cedar Park, Texas following a commitment of $1.225 million from the City of Cedar Park Economic Development Corporation. The new office will be close to the company’s test site in Briggs, Texas, which has more than...
Firefly Alpha
Proton Returns, Russian Government Conducts Successful Launch
[Via Satellite 09-29-2014] The Russian Federal government has completed the first successful launch of the Proton rocket since the failure that destroyed the Russian Satellite Communications Company’s (RSCC) Express AM4R satellite in May 2014. The successful launch occurred on Sept. 28 at 12:23 Moscow Time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Khrunichev State Research and Space Production...
Proton ILS Roscosmos
China Conducts Launch of Experimental Science Satellite
[Via Satellite 09-29-2014] Xinhua, China’s state-run media agency, reports the country has successfully completed the launch of an experimental scientific satellite on Sept. 28 at 1:13 p.m. Beijing time. A Long March-2C carrier rocket delivered the Shijian-11-07 satellite into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, located in the northwestern part of the Gobi Desert....
Long March-2C
Swiss Space Systems Evaluates NK-39 Engine for SOAR SmallSat Vehicle
[Via Satellite 09-26-2014] Executives from Swiss Space Systems (S3) met with Russia’s JSC Kuznetsov to check the NK-39 engines planned to power the unmanned suborbital shuttle SOAR. The two companies signed a memorandum of understanding at the Sochi Winter Olympics to collaborate on the engine, which would enable SOAR to launch satellites weighing up to...
Soar S3 Engine
Khrunichev, Roscosmos Prepare Proton For Loutch SC Launch
[Via Satellite 09-25-2014] After receiving approval from Russia’s State Commission, Roscosmos and the state-run Khrunichev Space Center have moved the Proton M ILV rocket to the launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The rocket is currently being readied for a Sept. 28 launch, carrying the relay satellite Loutch SC or “Ray,” which was built by...
Proton Khrunichev ILS
ATK Submits RD-180 Solid Propulsion Alternative to US Air Force
[Via Satellite 09-23-2014] Alliant Techsystems (ATK) has offered the United States Air Force a solid rocket alternative to the Russian-built RD-180. The proposal would replace the RD-180 with a domestically produced engine for use in United Launch Alliance’s (ULA’s) Atlas 5 rocket. According to ATK, the company has grafted new technologies into six solid rocket...
ULA, Blue Origin Join Forces on RD-180 Rocket Engine Successor
[Via Satellite 09-18-2014] United Launch Alliance (ULA) has selected Jeff Bezos’ aerospace company Blue Origin to build the Blue Engine 4 (BE-4) to replace the Russian-built RD-180, which is currently used to power ULA’s Atlas 5 launch vehicle. The decision follows news from earlier this summer that that ULA had signed multiple contracts to evaluate domestically...
Blue Origin ULA