
Roscosmos Inspects Construction at Vostochny Cosmodrome
[Via Satellite 10-17-2014] Oleg Ostapenko, the head of the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos, recently visited the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Amur region of Russia. During his visit he evaluated progress on the future spaceport’s technical complexes for rockets, the substation power supply system, and the industrial and construction base. Ostapenko also swung by the Tsiolkovsky...
Vostochny Cosmodrom Russia Angara
Zero2infiniti Announces Bloostar Launch Vehicle, More than $200 Million Pre-Booked Sales
[Via Satellite 10-16-2014] Spain-based Zero2infiniti has unveiled a hybrid balloon-rocket launch system intended to serve the small satellite market and has signed customers totaling more than $200 million in sales, according to the company. Dubbed Bloostar, the “rockoon” uses balloons in lieu of a first stage, not firing any engines until passing through 99 percent...
Bloostar zero2infinity rockoon
ISRO Launches IRNSS C Navigation Satellite
[Via Satellite 10-16-2014] On Oct. 15 2014 the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched the third satellite in the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) aboard a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PLSV). The 1425kg IRNSS C satellite launch marks the sixth time the PSLV has flown in the XL configuration, and the 27th successful consecutive...
KARI Moves Forward on CubeSats Deal
[Via Satellite 10-15-2014] The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) has selected Innovative Solutions in Space (ISIS) for the launch of multiple CubeSats through ISIS’ ISILaunch services for small satellites. ISIS will be responsible for the launch of five satellites in 2015, developed under the first rounds of the University Cube Satellites Mission and Design Contest...
Spaceflight Inc's Sherpa hosted Payload
CNES to Provide More Than $15 Million to French Guiana
[Via Satellite 10-15-2014] CNES, the French space agency, has renewed a six-year bilateral agreement with 17 Guianese municipalities. From 2014 to 2020, the agency will provide approximately $15.5 million for economic, social and cultural development. The French government began operating from Kourou in 1964, and has shared the center with the European Space Agency (ESA)...
spaceport Arianespace
Frozen Hydrazine Lines Linked to August 25 Fregat Launch Anomaly
[Via Satellite 10-08-2014] Independent inquiry boards established by Arianespace and Roscosmos have come to the same conclusion regarding the root cause of the Fregat anomaly that occurred 35 minutes into the Soyuz mission VS09. The culprit was found to be frozen hydrazine that was chilled by its proximity to cold helium feed lines within the...
Galileo ESA Soyuz Fregat
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, JAXA Launch Himawari 8 Weather Satellite
[Via Satellite 10-08-2014] On Oct. 7, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) launched the Himawari 8 geostationary weather satellite from Tanegashima Space Center. An H2A rocket, built by MHI, carried the satellite. Mitsubishi Electric was the prime contractor for Himawari 8, which it built on the DS2000 platform. The Himawari...
ISRO to Launch Delayed M3M Satellite for Com Dev in 2015
[Via Satellite 10-062014] Com Dev International has signed a new launch contract for the M3M satellite originally slated to launch on a Russian Soyuz in June 2014. Antrix, the commercial arm of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has scheduled the satellite for a 2015 launch on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Com Dev’s...
Sierra Nevada Corp Partners With Stratolaunch for Dream Chaser Derivative
[Via Satellite 10-01-2014] Following NASA’s decision not to use the Dream Chaser “mini-shuttle” to ferry astronauts for the Commercial Crew Program (CCP), Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) has ramped up its efforts to find other commercial uses for its space vehicle. In addition to continuing to pursue human spaceflight, the company has also begun exploring other...
Dream Chaser SNC
Proton Rocket Returns To Uneasy Expectations
[Via Satellite 09-30-2014] After four months, the conclusions regarding Proton’s May 16 failure have been released, citing a “loss of structural integrity of a bolted interface” as the probable cause that led to a series of consequences that ultimately undid the rocket. The International Launch Services (ILS) Failure Review Oversight Board (FROB) drew its conclusions...
Proton ILS Khrunichev